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| currentver = BTW V4.10 (7<sup>th</sup> of September, 2012)
| currentver = BTW V4.11 (10<sup>th</sup> of September, 2012)
| forum = [http://sargunster.com/btwforum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5517 New Release! (BTW V4.10)]
| forum = [http://sargunster.com/btwforum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5546 New Release! (BTW V4.11)]
| mcf = [http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/253365-125-better-than-wolves-mod-the-revenge-of-the-mob-farm-v372-upd-jun-5/ Minecraft Forums]
| mcf = [http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/253365-132-sspsmp-better-than-wolves-and-herpes-mod-v411-upd-sept-9/ Minecraft Forums]
== Introduction to Better Than Wolves ==
== Introduction to Better Than Wolves ==

Revision as of 06:30, 10 September 2012

Main Page

Latest version

BTW V4.11 (10th of September, 2012)

Release Date


MC Version



New Release! (BTW V4.11)

MCF Thread

Minecraft Forums

Introduction to Better Than Wolves

Better Than Wolves is a single-player Minecraft mod that not only adds new items and blocks, but also provides incredible functionality for engineering and design while maintaining the original feel of Minecraft. FlowerChild created BTW since he felt the full potential of the game was not being realized by Mojang for the amount of time they were putting into it. FlowerChild realized the time Mojang spent to create wolves in Minecraft Beta 1.4 and other features in previous releases could have been spent on something with much more functionality and gameplay value. As a result of this and other factors, Better Than Wolves was born on April 10, 2011.

Installation Guide

Installing a mod that requires multiple steps can be a daunting task. This guide breaks it down into a simple step by step process, in order to help you install Better Than Wolves properly.

Ages of Progression

Better Than Wolves is organized into distinct "Ages" that represent different stages of Steve's technological progress. Each Age in turn may be organized into separate Tiers that represent separate tasks that the player must achieve in order to progress to the next.

Beginner's Guide

New to the mod and need some help getting started? Then this is the page for you. Simple, condensed, straitforward guidance on what to do next without giving away all the strategies and automation options.

Mechanical Power

With the Better Than Wolves mod, the largest addition to Minecraft gameplay is the addition of mechanical power and mechanical devices such as Water Wheels, Wind Mills, Gear Boxes, axles, and other devices. All mechanical systems can be used in conjunction with redstone power. This addition to minecraft fleshes out the functional engineering aspect of the game and allows much more creativity in the systems a player may design and construct.

Other Additions and Changes

Besides adding a lot of new features the Mod contains some Miscellaneous Features giving BTW its own unique personality and provides endless entertainment for its players.
For a full list of additions and changes the mod provides, see the Better Than Wolves thread on the minecraft forums. You can also check the Blocks and Items section below for a list of blocks and items added by this mod, along with some quick information about them.


An add-on is currently available to provide compatibility with the Buildcraft mod as well as add some of its own unique functionality. Although the mod is currently discontinued it is still compatible with better than wolves up to minecraft version 1.2.5. Please refer to the Better Then Buildcraft main page for information regarding this mod.

Hardcore Modes

New gameplay modes introduced by FC for BTW that both changes a fundamental mechanic of Minecraft and challenges the player in new ways.

Helpful pages

Recipe Lists
Evolution Zero Evolution Zero's Recipe List (HTML) (Outdated)
Durandir Durandir's Recipe List (PNG) (Outdated)
FC Interview FlowerChild answers to several questions about the mod and Minecraft Forge
Thread The Mod's thread on the Minecraft Forums
Forum The Mod's Official forum
Good Mixers A list of some mods which synergise well with Better Than Wolves.
Wiki pages
Installation Guide A helpful guide to help new users of mods install Better Than Wolves
Not a bug list A list of things that come up frequently but are not bugs.
Frequent problems A list of problems which occur frequently on the forum.
How to A list of tutorials and showcase videos.
Texture Packs A list of texture packs for the mod.
Ages of Progression A list of the progression of technology and what the goals are for those ages.
Tech tree Better than Wolves Technology tree
High Efficiency Recipes A list of alternate recipies for vMC items/blocks using less resources
Change log A list of changes in each new version of the mod.
Compatibility List A list of mods BTW was tested against, and workarounds if any.

Blocks and Items

Name Used For (As) Age Redstone Mechanical Power Detection Production Automation
Anchor Connection AoW 1 X X X X X
Anvil Crafting NA 1 X X X Refined Tools & Stone Panels X
Armor Plate Raw Material NA 1 X X X Plate Armor X
Axle Mechanical Power Distribution AoW 2 X Input & Output X X X
Bellows Fanning (Stoking) Fire AoW 5 X Input X Stroked Fire (Two flame high) X
Belt Raw Material AoW 3 X X X Saws & Bellows X
Block Dispenser Placing Blocks, Hidden Doors & Floodgates AoW 6 Input X X X Mining & Farming
Blood Wood Crafting AoW 4 X X X X X
Blood Wood Sapling Planting AoW 4 X X X X X
Broadhead Raw Material NA 1 X X X Broadhead Arrow X
Broadhead Arrow Ammo NA 1 X X X X X
Buddy Block Detection NA 1 Output X Block Updates X X
Cement Bucket Building AoW 6 Input X X Stone X
Candle Raw Material AoW 5 X X X Infernal Enchanter X
Canvas Aesthetics NA 1 X X X X X
Carbon Powder Raw Material AoW 4 X X X Nethercoal X
Column Aesthetics NA 1 X X X X X
Companion Cube Aesthetics AoW 6 X X X X X
Companion Slab Aesthetics AoW 6 X X X Companion Cube X
Composite Bow Weapon AoW 5 X X X X X
Concentrated Hellfire Raw Material AoW 4 X X X Hibachi X
Corner Aesthetics AoW 3 X X X X X
Crucible Refining Steel & Re-smelting NA 1 X X X Steel & Metal Ingots X
Detector Block Detection NA 1 Output X Anything in front X Farming & Traps
Detector Rail Variants Rail Detection AoV Output X Minecarts: Any, Occupied & Player X Railway
Donut Food AoW 1 X X X 1/2 Heart X
Dung Tanning Leather & Foul Food AoV X X X X X
Dynamite Raw Material AoW 5 X X X Mining Charge X
Fabric Raw Material AoW 2 X X X Wind Mill X
Filament Raw Material AoV X X X Powered Light Block X
Flour Raw Material AoW 1 X X X X X
Foul Food Nothing AoW 3 X X X X X
Gear Raw Material AoW 1 X X X X X
Gear Box Mechanical Power Distribution & Control AoW 2 Input Input & Output X X X
Glue Raw Material AoW 5 X X X Wood Blade & Haft X
Grate Hopper Filter AoW 4 X X X X Filtration
Ground Netherrack Raw Material AoW 4 X X X X X
Haft Raw Material NA 1 X X X Refined Tools X
Hand Crank Mechanical Power Generation AoW 1 X Output X Mechanical Power X
Hellfire Dust Raw Material AoW 4 X X X X X
Hemp Raw Material AoW 1 X X X X X
Hemp Fiber Raw Material AoW 1 X X X X X
Hibachi Making Fire AoW 5 Input X X Fire X
Hopper Sorting AoW 4 Output Input Inventory Status X Drop Management & Filtration
Infernal Enchanter Enchanting NA 1 X X X Enchanted SFS Equippment X
Kiln "Firing" (Uncooked) Pottery AoW 6 X X X Vase, Crucible, Planter & Urn X
Lens Infinite Uses NA 1 Input X All entities and blocks with the 128 block range X Infinite
Light Block Light source AoW 1 input X X X X
Mill Stone Production AoW 1 X Input X Hemp Fiber, Scoured Leather, Flour, Ground Netherrack, Sugar & String X
Mining Charge Demolition AoW 5 Input X X X X
Moulding Raw Material & Aesthetics AoW 3 X X X X X
Nether Brick Raw Material & Aesthetics AoW 5 X X X X X
Nethercoal Fuel AoW 4 X X X X X
Nether Sludge Raw Material AoW 5 X X X Nether Brick X
Nether Groth Demon Hellspawn AoW 6 X X X X X
Obsidian Pressure Plate Detection NA 1 Output X Player X X
Padding Raw Material AoW 2 X X X X X
Panel Raw Material & Aesthetics AoW 3 X X X X X
Pedestal Aesthetics NA 1 X X X X X
Planter Planting without water AoW 6 X X X "Safe" Farms Farming
Plate Armor Protection NA 1 X X X X X
Platform Aesthetics & Elevators AoW 2 X X X X X
Potash Raw Material AoW 5 X X X X X
Powered Light Block Illumination AoV Input X X Light X
Pulley Elevators & Gates AoW 2 Input Input X X X
Redstone Eye Raw Material NA 1 X X X Detector Block X
Refined Tools Standard Tool Use NA 1 X X X X X
Rope Raw Material & Climbing AoW 1 X X X X X
Sail Raw Material AoW 2 X X X X X
Saw Cutting AoW 3 X Input X Planks, Panel, Moulding, Corner, Gear & Companion Slab Tree Farming
Saw Dust Raw Material AoW 3 X X X Dynamite X
Screw Pump Water Movement NA 1 X Input X X Water Transportation
Scoured Leather Raw Material AoW 3 X X X X X
Slats Hopper Filter AoW 4 X X X X Filtration
Soulforged Steel Raw Material NA 1 X X X X X
Soul Dust Raw Material NA 1 X X X Saw Dust & Soul Urn X
Soap Raw Material AoW 5 X X X X X
Soul Urn Raw Material AoW 6 X X X Soulforged Steel & Block Dispenser X
Stewing Pot Cooking & Rendering AoV X X X Cooked Food, Tanned Leather, Glue & Tallow Food Production
Strap Raw Material AoW 3 X X X X X
Tallow Raw Material AoW 5 X X X Dynamite & glue X
Tanned Leather Raw Material AoW 3 X X X X X
Tanned Leather Armor Protection AoW 3 X X X X X
Turntable Rotating Blocks & Redstone Circuitry AoW 6 Input Input X Unfired Pottery X
Unfired Pottery Raw Material AoW 6 X X X X X
Urn Raw Material AoW 6 X X X Soul Urn X
Vase Aesthetics & Hiding an Item AoW 6 X X X X X
Water Wheel Mechanical Power Generation AoW 3 X Output X Mechanical Power X
Wicker Hopper Filter & Raw Material AoW 2 X X X X Filtration
Wind Mill Mechanical Power Generation AoW 2 X Output X Mechanical Power X
Wolf Chop Food AoV X X X Uncooked: 1 1/2 Hearts
Cooked: 4 Hearts
Wood Blade Raw Material AoW 3 X X X Water Wheel X
Wool Slab Aesthetics AoW 3 X X X X X