Splash Text

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Splash texts are the epigrams displayed in pulsing yellow text on the mod's title screen, replacing the splash texts from vanilla Minecraft. They consist of jokes, references to BTW lore, and tips for playing the mod. Seeing the BTW splash texts also serves as a way to confirm that you have BTW installed (you can also check this by looking for the version number in the bottom left of the title screen).

Splash Explanation
Aren't companion cubes the bomb? The companion cube is a low-maintenance pet that can be created by sucking a wolf into a block dispenser.
Don't mind the bones in the soup... The cauldron is crafted with a bone.
Hemp grows best under light blocks! Light blocks placed above hemp allows it to be planted indoors and grow at night, increasing yield.
Some crops need sunlight to grow! Adding to the above, light blocks cannot be used for all crops; some must be planted where they can see the sky.
Grind hemp in the mill stone to make hemp fibers and rope! Grinding hemp in the mill stone is the first step towards continuous mechanical power.
More fire under a cauldron equals faster cooking! The cauldron needs fire underneath it to cook food; adding up to 9 fires in the 3x3 area underneath it will decrease cooking times.
Wolf chops build strong bones and teeth! While wolves drop no meat in vanilla Minecraft, in BTW they drop 0-2 wolf chops.
You can't have your wolf and eat it too! As above.
Enslaving souls isn't so bad... is it? Advanced technology uses soul urns, created by filtering souls from ground netherrack into urns.
Ever consider that the monsters may be the good guys? The lengths to which Steve will go to achieve his goals (see e.g. the above splash text) has led many to question the morality of progressing through BTW's tech tree.
Wolves produce dung. Go figure. Wild and tame wolves will occasionally produce dung, an important ingredient in tanned leather.
Hemp fibers can be used to make sturdy fabric. Crafting hemp fibers into fabric is needed to make a wind mill, your first mechanical power generator.
You can tan leather in the cauldron using dung and bark. Tanned leather is an important ingredient for saws and bellows, and can also be used to make armor.
Various items can be added to the hopper to act as a filter! The hopper automatically picks up items above it. There are seven different filters available which can be used to make item sorting systems.
The block dispenser ejects its inventory contents in order. The block dispenser is an advanced version of the dispenser that can place items as blocks. On repeated redstone pulses it dispenses its inventory in a set order, instead of randomly like the dispenser.
Animal bi-products can be rendered in the cauldron! A stoked cauldron can render leather items into glue, and various meats into tallow.
Bellows can be used to stoke fire and produce more heat! The bellows will stoke fire blocks in a 3x3 area in front of it. This only works for fires generated by a hibachi.
The turntable rotates stuff! The turntable will rotate the two blocks above it, and any blocks (such as redstone torches) attached to those two blocks. It is useful for making timer systems.
Use a chisel on a stump to make a crafting table! Crafting tables cannot be crafted out of wood, and are instead created by chiseling a stump with an iron chisel. This means you only have access to the 2x2 crafting grid until you smelt 4 iron nuggets.
Go on. Power the cake. You know you want to. Cake can be powered by redstone, an easter egg dating back to old versions of BTW.
Everybody loves potash! Potash, made from rendering wood-based items in a stoked cauldron, has a few niche uses, mainly as an ingredient in nether sludge which can be used as a mortar.
Punching wood sucks... try something sharper! While you have to start out by punching a tree to get a shaft, you'll want to switch to using a sharp stone as soon as possible.
Every time a zombie burps, it really means "I love you". Zombies will eat any meat (yes, even Steve) they can get their hands on, making a burping sound effect when they do.
Community Edition! After 10 years, Flowerchild, the original creator, ceased development of BTW and released the source code. Members of the community stepped up to continue developing the mod under the name BTW: Community Edition (CE for short), and to this day they're hard at work to bring you more updates.
Animageddon: Accept no pork-based substitutes. Animageddon is the name of the overhaul of vanilla Minecraft's animal husbandry mechanics. Among other things, animals will spawn only on world generation, need to eat grass or plants to survive, and each have unique items for breeding instead of wheat.
Vegehenna and rejoice. Vegehenna is the name of the overhaul of the farming mechanics. Among other things, crops have lower yields, requiring large farms; different crops have different growth mechanics; and weeds will grow in any crops planted without planters.
No thanks, I already ate. A dismissal that's popular on the BTW community Discord server. Similar in spirit to this xkcd comic.
AAAAAAAAAAHHHH! The version number of the version that completely overhauled the mechanics of the early game, turning it into the survival experience it is today. Appropriately, it's also something you might shout when playing that, or subsequent, versions.
BURNBABYBURNAHAHAHAHAHA The version number of the version that overhauled fire mechanics by introducing smouldering logs. Again, it's also something you might shout when experiencing those mechanics.
Who let the dogs out? Minecraft did. The release of wolves in vanilla Minecraft was the original motivation for Flowerchild to create BTW. He saw wolves as a high-effort, low-impact feature and created BTW to showcase the kinds of features he would prefer to see in the game.
No refunds for unwanted headwear. Headware, or hats, are a popular nickname for BTW's hostile squids due to their unique attacking style.
Try the Oysters! Creepers can be sheared to obtain creeper oysters, an odd item with several uses that can also be eaten (though I wouldn't recommend it)
I hope you brought your socks! A reference to the omission of wool socks, aka "bootsies"; some members of the community believe that they do exist but the ability to craft them is beyond mortal ken.
Not to be confused with "Better Then Wolves" A common misspelling, and a reference to an add-on from years ago called "Better Then Buildcraft" (yes, that middle word is correct) that combined BTW with another mod, Buildcraft.
I, for one, welcome our new inenret overlords. A meme, with this particular misspelling originating in the BTW community Discord server.
Now with Fabric! In addition to being an item, Fabric is the name of the modding API that modern versions of BTW use.
Bear den wolves! A silly way to say the mod's name.
Love wins! A catchphrase of the LGBT community, which is heavily represented in BTW's dev team and fanbase.
Be gay, do crime! As above.
The souls are happier with a nice cozy urn to live in. A statement of questionable veracity, this is another reference to the soul urn.
Free-range souls just want a home! Activities that involve souls flying about willy-nilly may result in unintended consequences...
Consuming souls may have side effects! As above.
Did someone say noise generator? Noise generators are procedural generation techniques (e.g. Perlin noise) used in Minecraft to create biomes, terrain, and caves. Dawnraider, the head developer of Community Edition, put a great deal of effort into reverse engineering Minecraft's noise generation algorithms for her Better Terrain Add-on.
Soon (TM) The answer to every question "When is <x> feature going to be ready?"
Now with 200% more beds! For a long time, the ability to sleep in beds was disabled and they were only cosmetic. Finally beds, and the bedroll, were re-enabled in Community Edition, with sleeping fast-forwarding time instead of skipping the night.