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Hemp is a useful, hardy crop that may be planted like Wheat, and is primarily used in the manufacture of Rope and Fabric, amongst other items. The tough fibrous stem of the hemp plant can be ground into Hemp Fibers using a Mill Stone, which can then be fashioned further into useful materials.

Growing Hemp

Hemp is grown from Hemp Seeds which are planted similarly to those of Wheat. However, for hemp to grow a number of requirements must be met:

  • It will only grow under direct sunlight (and only grow during the daytime), or a powered Light Block two blocks above (and will grow continously).
  • Hemp must be planted on hydrated Farmland, or a Planter, and will die if soil loses hydration.
  • The growth speed of the bottom part can be doubled if Bone Meal is applied to the Farmland or the Planter.
  • If applied as soon as a seed is planted, the bone meal will increase the growth rate of the bottom part of the plant through all stages, all the way up to its final, fully mature stage. It is a good solution to speed up the growth speed of your farm when you're just starting.
  • However, if bone meal is applied when the bottom part of the plant is already fully mature, it will only increase the growth rate of the top part one time, which is already fast, and is not advised until you have a Wind Mill and don't need to waste hunger using it Mill Stone.

A hemp plant will grow up to two blocks tall in approximately four to six days. Both parts of the hemp plant will yield a Hemp item and a chance of Hemp Seeds.

To preserve the plant from being destroyed when harvesting, only harvest the top part using Shears, a Saw or a Piston. The top part of a hemp plant will regrow in approximately two days if the bottom is left intact. Note that if the top half is harvested by hand or with the improper tools, the entire plant will be destroyed. Pistons are particularly effective for building automated farms with minimal losses.

Hemp growing on farmland is vulnerable to being trampled by mobs and players, but crops in Planters cannot be trampled. Growth from seed can also be accelerated by applying Bonemeal to the soil, which will be consumed when the plant reaches its leafy stage.

Hemp is flammable and may catch fire in a Thunderstorm.



Mill Stone

Name Ingredients Input » Output
Hemp Fiber Hemp
in a Mill Stone
Hemp  » Hemp Fiber

Demonstration videos

Better than Wolves Lab - Hemp"

Tutorial Farming is fun - Episode 06 : Hemp