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Mortaring is a mechanic by which loose blocks can be converted into their floating, non-loose, forms by applying sticky substances to them. To mortar a loose block, simply right-click on it while holding a mortar item (listed below). Blocks cannot be mortared while in your inventory; they have to be placed in the world first. This means that the loose block must have a supporting block underneath it before you apply the mortar. The exception is when placing loose blocks next to blocks that are already mortared - see temporary sticking below. Once it is mortared, it is no longer affected by gravity and the support can be removed.

Mortar items

The following items can be used as mortar. Right-clicking any loose block while holding one will consume the item and mortar the block.

Item Image Properties
Clay Clay The easiest form of mortar to obtain early on. However, it is difficult to come by in large quantities and usually preferrable to save it for making items such as brick ovens or planters.
Slimeball Slimeball Can be obtained by killing slimes, which spawn above ground in swamp biomes or rarely underground. Building a mob trap in a swamp gives a large supply of slimeballs.
Nether Sludge Nether Sludge Cooked from hellfire dust and potash, it requires Nether access and significant tech tree progress to create. Once you have the requisite infrastructure, it is cheap and easy to mass produce (the raw materials to make it are only netherrack and wood).

Temporary sticking

If a loose block is placed next to a mortared block of the same type (e.g. a loose cobblestone slab next to any type of mortared cobblestone), it will stick for a few seconds before falling, giving you a chance to mortar it. This allows you to mortar a block without needing another block under it. It is also the only way to create upside down stairs and slabs, which normally can't be placed as loose versions.

Blocks that can be mortared


Name Ingredients Input » Output
Cobblestone Loose Cobblestone
Loose Cobblestone Strata1 Loose Cobblestone Strata2 Loose Cobblestone Strata3
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Cobblestone Strata1 Cobblestone Strata2 Cobblestone Strata3
Cobblestone Stairs Loose Cobblestone Stairs
Loose Stone Stairs Strata1 Loose Stone Stairs Strata2 Loose Stone Stairs Strata3
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Cobblestone Stairs Strata1 Cobblestone Stairs Strata2 Cobblestone Stairs Strata3
Cobblestone Slab Loose Cobblestone Slab
Loose Cobblestone Slab Strata1 Loose Cobblestone Slab Strata2 Loose Cobblestone Slab Strata3
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Cobblestone Slab Strata1 Cobblestone Slab Strata2 Cobblestone Slab Strata3


Name Ingredients Input » Output
Bricks Loose Brick
Loose Brick
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Brick Stairs Loose Brick Stairs
Loose Brick Stairs
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Brick Stairs
Brick Slab Loose Brick Slab
Loose Brick Slab
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Bricks Slab

Stone Bricks

Name Ingredients Input » Output
Stone Bricks Loose Stone Bricks
Loose Stone Bricks Strata1 Loose Stone Bricks Strata2 Loose Stone Bricks Strata3
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Stone Bricks Strata1 Stone Bricks Strata2 Stone Bricks Strata3
Stone Brick Stairs Loose Stone Brick Stairs
Loose Stone Bricks Stairs Strata1 Loose Stone Bricks Stairs Strata2 Loose Stone Bricks Stairs Strata3
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Stone Bricks Stairs Strata1 Stone Bricks Stairs Strata2 Stone Bricks Stairs Strata3
Stone Brick Slab Loose Stone Brick Slab
Loose Stone Bricks Slab Strata1 Loose Stone Bricks Slab Strata2 Loose Stone Bricks Slab Strata3
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Stone Bricks Slab Strata1 Stone Bricks Slab Strata2 Stone Bricks Slab Strata3

Nether Bricks

Name Ingredients Input » Output
Nether Brick Loose Nether Brick
Loose Nether Brick
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Nether Brick
Nether Brick Stairs Loose Nether Brick Stairs
Loose Nether Brick Stairs
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Slab Loose Nether Brick Slab
Loose Nether Brick Slab
Grid layout Arrow Mortar.gif

Keep in Mind

  • Mining a mortared block will drop the loose version, no matter the material of the tool.
  • A pickaxe with the Silk Touch enchantment, or a Block Dispenser are the only way to obtain the mortared version of loose blocks, and use them for crafting.
  • It is not possible to mortar Dirt. The only way to convert loose dirt to non-loose is to wait for Grass to grow on it, or to use a Piston Packer to turn 8 Pile of Dirt into a dirt block.

See Also