Brick Oven

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Brick Oven




Yes (64)



First Appearance



Destroyed without support
(only returns part of the materials)





Data Value


The Brick Oven is a block that can be used to cook food and smelt ore, improving on the efficiency and convenience of the Campfire. The bottom half can be filled with wood blocks or other flammable materials and lit with a Firestarter, Torch or a Hibachi, and the top half can be filled with raw food, chunks of Iron ore, or chunks of Gold ore.

Getting access to a brick oven is a crucial step early on, as it can cook about 8 items in a night (compared to 2 on a Campfire) while using less fuel.


Name Ingredients Input » Output
Brick Oven Loose Brick Slab
Loose Brick Slab
Loose Brick Slab
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Brick Oven
Loose Brick Slab
Loose Brick Slab

Keep in Mind

  • If the oven runs out of materials to burn, it will go out and progress towards cooking or smelting will be lost.
  • The bottom half is an indicator of how much fuel is left, and the texture will vary depending on the amount of fuel.
  • There is a short window before an oven extinguishes where another wood block can be added.
  • Ovens emit less heat than campfires, but they will cause flammable object within two blocks to catch fire.
  • Meat in an oven cannot burn.
  • The Kiln can smelt ores and Cauldron can cook food without consuming fuel.
  • Ovens may also be automatically lit if the block in front of it is an air block where there is potential for a fire to be created (Torches, lava, hibachis, campfires.. etc)
  • Breaking a brick oven with any tool that does *not* have silk touch will drop between 4 and 10 bricks, inclusive, as well as the item contents of the furnace (but not the fuel).
  • This means that, on average, breaking a furnace results in a net loss of 9 bricks.


Fuel amount per wood type, and visualization of the different amounts of fuel in the fuel slot

Different types of wood have different burning time. From best to worst : Birch, Oak, Spruce and Jungle.

It takes 71 Saw Dust (or equivalent) to completely fill the fuel slot.

Only the Oak and Birch logs will burn long enough to smelt an Iron Ore.

However, since the Oak log will burn for exactly the time it takes to smelt an Iron ore, the oven should also be loaded with the Ore before lighting the fire.

The Birch log is the best fuel source, since it's the only log that allows to overfill the oven, and gives it a fuel value of 80 (instead of the maximum of 71).

Wood Type Burning Time
(in minutes)
Saw Dust
Item Birch Wood.png Birch 13:20 80
Item Oak Wood.png Oak 10:40 64
Item Spruce Wood.png Spruce 08:00 48
Item Jungle Wood.png Jungle 05:20 32
ItemBloodWood.png Blood Wood 05:20 32
ItemBirchPlanks.png Birch Plank 04:20 26
ItemOakPlanks.png Oak Plank 02:40 16
ItemSprucePlanks.png Spruce Plank 02:00 12
ItemJunglePlanks.png Jungle Plank 01:20 8
ItemBloodWoodPlanks.png Blood Wood Plank 01:20 8
Grid Sawdust.png Saw Dust 00:10 1
Oak Bark Birch Bark Spruce Bark Jungle Bark Blood Bark Bark 00:10 1
Feather Dandelion Rose Oak Sapling Birch Sapling Pine Sapling Jungle Sapling Blood Wood Sapling White Wool (Ball) Misc. 00:05 0.5
ItemCoalDust.png Coal Dust 07:40 46
Item Coal.png Coal 10:40 64
Grid Nethercoal.png Nethercoal 11:50 71

Many other items that can be used as fuel in a Campfire can be used in the Brick Oven as well, see the fuel table on that page for more details.

Fire Spread

In BTW, most sources of fire, including Torches, have to be placed carefully to prevent burning down your home. Fire sources will heat up some air blocks around and above them, making any flammable block within range catch fire.

The air block in front of the Oven (represented by the red block in the picture below), will make any adjacent flammable block (represented by the glass blocks) burn down. So in the picture bellow, you are only to place flammable blocks around the glass blocks :

Visualization of the hot air created by the Oven. Nothing flammable can be placed where the Red block and the Glass blocks are Minimum safe distance from the oven's heat to use flammable materials

Flammable materials have to be carefully placed near the oven or risk burning down.

See Also