Nether Groth

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Nether Groth is a type of fungus which grows on netherrack and can be used to terraform sections of the nether. It can not be placed in the Overworld.

The fully grown fungus is 1/2 a block tall, like a Slab. It is created by placing Nether Groth Spores on a surface, although it will only spread on Netherrack.

Nether groth spores

Nether Groth


Alien Lifeforms


Yes (64)




{{{protection}}} x ArmorFull.png



First Appearance










Data Value


Spores are the seeds needed to grow Nether Groth.
Name Ingredients Input » Output
Nether Groth
Brown Mushroom,
Red Mushroom,
Nether Wart,
Dung, Soul Urns.
Red Mushroom
Brown Mushroom
Grid layout Arrow Stewing Pot (small).png
Nether Groth Spores
Soul Urn
  • You will also get the Dirt block back as well.

Once placed, it cannot be retrieved, so remember to use stairs and bridges to move the Nether Groth from place to place if you don't want to waste more materials.

Growth and spread

Groth has 8 stages of growth, each becoming slightly taller than the last. The 7 non-mature growth stages each have a greyish appearance, with the tops becoming bright red when mature. Groth spreads only to adjacent blocks, and can spread up or down one block, but it cannot spread diagonally.

Non-mature groth can spread onto any solid blocks, but it can only mature while on netherrack. It can also only move up or down onto netherrack, and when spreading on the same level it can only grow as high as one level less than the highest next to it. This effectively limits its spread on regular solid blocks to 7 blocks on flat ground, although if it encounters netherrack again before this limit it will continue to spread.

Note that groth spreads very quickly and is very difficult to remove after letting it mature (and only even possible to remove with steel armor), so take care when choosing to unleash it in the nether.

Properties of mature Nether Groth

  • Any creature which touches the upper red part will suffer 2 damage (1 heart) and be shot into the air to a height of about 4 blocks.
  • Trying to break it will result in an explosion effect, which spread the Nether Groth into surrounding blocks and will damage the surrounding creatures, causing them to be poisoned for 15 seconds, dealing 15 damage (7.5 hearts) total. This happens regardless of the method to destroy the groth, including pistons, block dispensers, and explosions, as well as mining the block under it.
  • The groth will eat any food laying on its top, destroying the item and making a burping sound effect, similar to zombies.
  • A Soul Urn can be used to fertilize the groth, causing it to instantly mature.

Taking contact damage can be avoided by wearing Plate Boots, and destroying mature groth will not damage or poison you if you are wearing full Plate Armor.


The primary use for groth is to prevent mobs from spawning. Thus it is very useful for keeping your base safe from ghasts, as well as limiting spawns to improve mob farm efficiency. In multiplayer it can also be used to protect an area from other players, as long as they do not have steel armor.