Change log

From Better Than Wolves Wiki
Revision as of 10:28, 19 January 2013 by Ferrus.Manus (talk | contribs)
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Version 4.51

January 17th, 2013

  • Updated to the latest version of MCP. This should fix a number of multiplayer issues, and is the primary reason for this release. Note that it *may* necessitate a clean install of Minecraft and the mod to prevent further issues.
  • Added recipes so that books (of all kinds) may be rendered down into Glue, with 2 books being required for 1 Glue.
  • Changed Hardcore Spawning so that players leaving the end dimension are always returned to the original spawn point in the overworld.
  • Fixed problem with most aesthetic block types responding like Concentrated Hellfire when used as part of a beacon pyramid.
  • Fixed constant flashing on night vision beacon effect.
  • Fixed vanilla problem where the player would get "caught" on chests when passing beside them, as it was frigging annoying.

Version 4.50

January 16th, 2013

  • Added Hardcore Beacons as a new mod feature. This completely revamps the way vanilla beacons work to make them more difficult to construct, more powerful (as in...not useless), and WAY more interesting overall. The details of this system are left to the player to discover. Note that more beacon types are on their way, but the stuff that is in there already is so cool that I wanted to get it out while I work on the rest :)
  • Added internal hooks so that add-on authors can create custom beacon types.
  • Changed (refactored) the way the mod works internally to reduce the number of base-class modifications made to Tile Entities. This affects the chest, and mob spawner.
  • Fixed vanilla problem where beacon blocks would not drop their inventory if the block is destroyed.
  • Fixed problem with shears taking double damage when harvesting webs.

Version 4.42

January 11th, 2013

  • Updated the mod to version 1.4.7 of Minecraft.
  • Added ability to harvest webs with shears without requiring the silk touch enchant on them.
  • Added the ability to create sandstone Siding and other sandstone sub-blocks out of all the different sandstone block types.
  • Added high efficiency recipes for White Stone, nether brick, brick, and sandstone stairs using Moulding of the corresponding type.
  • Changed Hardcore Spawn to be enabled by default. It can still be disabled through the mod's config file.
  • Changed the way the Hibachi determines if blocks above it should be incinerated when it is lit, so that it is a little more consistent and logical.
  • Changed Hardcore Bucket so that vanilla dispensers can dispense and retrieve water buckets in the end dimension.
  • Changed (refactored) the way the mod's inventory management functions work internally to be much cleaner. I mention this as it may affect add-on authors.
  • Changed the way Hardcore Spawn works to fix problems with spawning in empty space on skyblock style maps.
  • Fixed problem with shears taking longer to harvest Wool Slabs than wool blocks.
  • Fixed problem with item stacks only merging with a single partial stack before creating a new stack when added to some mod inventories.
  • Fixed problem with item stacks sometimes not merging properly with existing partial stacks when added to a double chest by the Hopper.
  • Fixed problem with the way various crops (wheat, potatoes, and carrots) display when growing in a planter. Previously, they were displaying a bit too low, making it difficult to tell when they were fully grown (carrots in particular).
  • Fixed crash bug in SMP when a player has the Anvil GUI open, and another player destroys the Anvil.

Version 4.41

December 24th, 2012

  • Updated the mod to version 1.4.6 of Minecraft.
  • Added raw and cooked Mutton as new food items, as I got tired of waiting for Mojang to get around to it :)
  • Added a "clean" version of the Chopping Block. When first created, it will be clean, and will become dirty through use. Dirty blocks may also be cleaned by using Soap in a heated Cauldron, with a single bar of Soap cleaning 4 Chopping Blocks.
  • Added the ability to grind skeleton skulls into bone meal with the Mill Stone.
  • Added internal functionality to differentiate between ice blocks formed out of source water blocks, and those that aren't with Hardcore Buckets enabled. This means that source ice will turn back into source water when harvested, so that you will no longer get unsightly holes in your frozen lakes when breaking it, and that ice blocks you move yourself will melt into temporary water as they do now. Note that all ice that was in existence previous to this change is considered to be made of source water, which may result in old manually placed ice blocks turning into source water when broken.
  • Added internal functionality so that smooth stone pedestals and oak tables, use the same texture indexes the old blocks of the same type did, so that texture pack artists can keep their old textures for those blocks. Note that oak benches also use the same textures as oak tables for consistency.
  • Added internal functionality so that add-on authors can determine how their blocks function when cut by a Saw.
  • Added internal hook to specify the size of the animated Stoked Fire texture, for use by MCPatcher.
  • Changed the vanilla bow so that it will fire any Rotted Arrows in your inventory before regular ones, given that Rotted Arrows are less valuable (since they can't be reused) and do the same damage. Note that this doesn't affect the Composite Bow since it can not effectively fire Rotted Arrows.
  • Changed infinity enchanted arrows to shatter on impact, similar to Rotted Arrows.
  • Changed the way Hardcore Spawning works so that it functions properly on super-flat maps.
  • Fixed problem with Benches and the mod's custom fences not rendering properly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed problem with mod food-items not displaying particles with the right texture when eaten.
  • Fixed problem with golems not displaying dig particles for the block they are walking on when wandering around, and the same for players when they are sprinting. Similar to the food fix above, they now also display correctly for mod blocks.
  • Fixed problem with the wood-based column recipes granting 4 columns, instead of the appropriate 1.

Version 4.40

December 7th, 2012

  • Added a new block type: the Bench, for all block types with sub-blocks. It is crafted with 3 Siding on top of a Moulding (same as a Table, with a shorter "leg").
  • Added fences for all block types with sub-blocks. These may be crafted either with 3 Moulding of the type in a horizontal row, or the vanilla recipe of 6 full blocks in two horizontal rows for stone-based blocks (i.e. non-wood).
  • Added a small amount of damage to falling Hardcore Melons, along with custom death messages for them.
  • Added general purpose internal hooks for when an arrow initially impacts with a block, and when it is in a state of collision with a block, that may be useful for add-on authors.
  • Added an internal hook for when blocks finish falling, that may be useful to add-on authors.
  • Added high efficiency recipe for nether-brick fences (3 Moulding).
  • Changed the dimensions and texture of wood Table Legs so that they match the top of fences. This was done because it opens up many aesthetic possibilities like building shelving, trestle bridges, and cool looking stairways out of a combination of Tables, Benches & fences.
  • Changed the way Hand Cranks work so that the "use" animation (the extended arm) is only played when the crank is actually moved so that its usage is more intuitive, and also changed it so that it can not be operated if your hunger level is below a certain point.
  • Changed ALL Pedestal recipes to consist of six blocks of the type, topped by a single Siding. This is for consistency because Pedestals can now be made out of materials that can be obtained pre-Anvil (namely wood).
  • Changed ALL Column recipes to consist of three Moulding of the type in a vertical line, for the same reasons as above.
  • Changed chickens so that they can be fed by hand again, as while it made sense that they couldn't, it was causing too much confusion due to lack of consistency with the other animal types.
  • Changed the hardness on nether brick Siding, Moulding, Corners, Pedestals, Columns, and Tables to match that of nether brick blocks.
  • Changed the way Hardcore Melons work so that melons require arrows to have a certain minimum velocity to cause them to explode when hit.
  • Changed Hardcore Melons so that they won't explode when falling into water.
  • Changed (reduced) the number of mobs that spawn wearing armor to further balance the iron output of mob-traps.
  • Changed the way a bunch of sub-blocks work internally to facilitate the inclusion of new aesthetic block types. Because of this, old versions of these blocks already placed in your world may not auto-connect properly, and will no longer function in recipes. My apologies for this, but having to support recipes for both the old and new versions was making the mod's recipe code get completely out of control, and was likely also hell for people using mods that display recipes, as both the old and new versions would be listed. To help with this, I've added "old" to the name of each of the blocks that may be problematic (e.g. "Old Corner"), so that they can be easily identified, and I've included conversion recipes for all these old blocks, so you can just drop them into the crafting grid and they will be converted into the new. In the case of old blocks in the world no longer auto-connecting properly, just harvest the old blocks, replace them, and any problems should be resolved.
  • Changed smooth stone Pedestals, Columns, Siding, and Corners so that axes aren't efficient on newly placed ones.
  • Changed all wood based sub-blocks to have appropriate burn times in the furnace.
  • Changed the collision volume around Tables (of all types) and of vanilla fences so that it precisely reflects their shape. This means that you can "click around" their various parts to the blocks behind them, and that things like arrows will pass through the empty space surrounding them.
  • Fixed problem with Lightning Rods not being able to rest on top of others.
  • Fixed problem with pumpkins dropping way too many seeds when they explode.

Version 4.38

November 30, 2012 IMPORTANT: This version requires a CLEAN install of BTW to function properly. This means that you need to redownload Minecraft (delete your bin directory and run the game without the mod installed), then install 4.38 to it. Just copying over the old install will likely result in bugs and potential crashes. My apologies for this as I normally try to make such changes when vanilla updates to prevent these kinds of problems, but this one slipped through the cracks.

  • Added nether brick Siding, Moulding, Corners, Pedestals, Columns, and Tables.
  • Added internal functionality to determine when a block has a center "hard point" to a particular facing to determine if things like torches, Lightning Rods, and Stakes can "stick" to them. This allows for a number of blocks to attach to others that previously weren't possible, and may be useful for add-on authors in establishing similar functionality with their blocks. This also marks the triumphant return of torches sticking to the sides of Panels ;)
  • Changed the order in which the Cauldron processes ingredients so that gunpowder is created before string is converted into wool. This allows for the dumping in of the raw materials required to make Fuses, without your string being turned into wool.
  • Changed some code internally to eliminate base classes that were getting modified in the releases of the mod that I wasn't actually modifying. This is what necessitates the reinstall mentioned above.
  • Changed Wind Mills & Water Wheels so that they can not be placed when overlapping with another entity, including the player.
  • Changed the way vertical Wind Mills are placed to accommodate the above change, and to make their placement more intuitive. They are now placed so that their vertical position *starts* (either top or bottom) at the Axle you click on. In other words, if you're looking upwards, it will place the Wind Mill going up from the Axle you click on, if you're looking down, then going downwards from it.
  • Fixed "pick block" functionality (middle mouse button) to work on a bunch of mod blocks.
  • Fixed some Corners not placing properly in SMP.
  • Fixed Dynamite not firing out of vanilla dispensers in SMP.
  • Fixed Splash Potions not firing out of vanilla dispensers in SMP.
  • Fixed Buckets not dispensing properly out of vanilla dispensers in SMP, with Hardcore Buckets disabled.
  • Fixed problem with being able to place Urns, Grates, Wicker, and Slats while the player or another entity was in the space the block was to occupy.

Version 4.37

November 23, 2012

  • Added the Lightning Rod as a new block. It is created with 3 iron ingots in a vertical line. With the addition of vertical Wind Mills, lightning has become a much bigger problem, so this simple block was added as a way to address it. They also makes awesome mounts for skulls ;)
  • Added the ability to pickup Vases without breaking them using the silk touch enchantment.
  • Added ability for Vases to blow up if they are broken while containing Blasting Oil.
  • Changed the collision volume around the Vase, Planter, and Hopper so that it precisely reflects their shape. This means that you can "click around" their various parts to the blocks behind them, and that things like arrows will pass through the empty space surrounding them.
  • Changed the Hopper to always deposit into the top chest in the inventory GUI, when depositing into double chests, as it was a minor annoyance that it didn't do so.
  • Changed Hardcore Chests so that ender chests access the same inventory regardless of what dimension they are in. This was done because it was originally intended this way, and it turns out that chests in other dimensions weren't saving their contents when servers were restarted anyways.
  • Changed Zombies and Skeletons so that they drop any armor they are wearing or any non-standard equipment they are carrying on death at a greatly increased rate (sometimes the equipment breaks, but most of the time you get it), because chasing after a rare armored mob to only have it drop nothing is hela-lame. Also, this boosts iron output on mob-traps back up after it was reduced in a previous release.
  • Changed mobs to spawn with equipment with equal probability on all difficulty levels. This was done so that mob-trap output is not difficulty level dependent, as that just leads to gamey nonsense.
  • Changed zombie pigmen so that they only spawn with gold swords rarely, but they almost always drop them on death. The overall drop rate is unaffected by this change (mob trap output will not be affected), it just makes it much more tempting to go after pigmen you see holding swords, and creates a more direct connection between what mobs are holding and what they drop.
  • Changed zombie pigmen to restore their gold nugget drop, as with the above change it gives the impression they're slowly trying to forge their own weapons. They do so at a reduced rate to what they used to mind you.
  • Changed the way the damage on dropped items is computed to provide a better range of values on items with low maximum damage (like gold swords).
  • Fixed vanilla dispenser not being able to fire Dynamite.

-Fixed the Companion Cube not properly showing its appreciation for being consumed by fire.

  • Fixed problem with fire rendering on the side of blocks if it had infinite burn ones (like netherrack) below it.
  • Fixed problem with not being able to feed wolves Wolf Chops.

Version 4.36

November 20, 2012

  • Updated the mod to version 1.4.5 of Minecraft.
  • Added particle effects when Soul Urns shatter.
  • Changed how Dirt Slabs render internally to hopefully resolve visual issues with them when used in combination with high-res texture packs, when they have grass growing on them.
  • Changed the sound mechanical devices make when they break, to something more appropriate.
  • Changed a few more things internally to reduce the number of base class changes the mod requires.
  • Fixed problem with Corners not placing properly.
  • Fixed the vanilla dispenser not being able to fire Soul Urns.
  • Fixed problem with not being able to use a hoe on grass if it was in front of a Detector Block or in a Lens beam.

Version 4.35

November 16, 2012

  • Updated the mod to version 1.4.4 of Minecraft.
  • Added the ability for blocks of Concentrated Hellfire to burn indefinitely (like Netherrack), but *in any direction* (unlike Netherrack which only burns like this to the top). This provides for much greater decorative options using fire. Let the giant flaming sword construction commence! ;)
  • Added the ability to grow sugar cane diagonally bordering on water, because I've always found it annoying that you couldn't, and I am a take-no-prisoners-certified-base-class-modifying-maniac. Fear my wrath puny sugar canes! FEAR ME!!!!
  • Added recipe for chiseled stone brick. You can create it on the Anvil with 12 stone brick blocks in a rectangular pattern.
  • Added internal hook to specify if blocks can burn infinitely (like netherrack). This may be useful to add-on authors.
  • Added internal hook to specify if a block extinguishes fire above it (like an unpowered Hibachi). This may be useful to add-on authors.
  • Added internal hook for when blocks are destroyed by fire. This may be useful to add-on authors.
  • Changed the way vanilla fire renders so that it prefers a flammable side-surface to a non-flammable bottom surface. For example, if you light the base of a tree on fire, the fire will appear on the side of the tree, instead of on top of the dirt next to it.
  • Changed (refactored) things internally to reduce the number of base class edits the mod requires, to facilitate future version updates.
  • Changed (refactored) the way mechanical blocks work internally to simplify the code somewhat. This may be of interest to add-on authors.
  • Changed the way fire works internally to make it easier to set which blocks are flammable. This may be useful to add-on authors.
  • Changed (reverted) Mojang's "fix" to items getting stuck in blocks as it created more bugs than it fixed.
  • Fixed problem where if a repeater was swallowed by a Block Dispenser, connected circuits would not always properly update their state.
  • Fixed problem with the Block Dispenser not properly handling silverfish infested blocks.
  • Fixed problem where mechanical devices could be overpowered from directions in which they didn't have an axle-input.
  • Fixed vanilla bug that caused particles (especially torch flames) to flash all over the screen in an exceedingly annoying fashion.

Version 4.34

November 13, 2012

  • Added the Chopping Block as a new block type. This block has grooves cut in it which means that it can be placed in front of a Saw while neither destroying the block, nor the Saw itself. It is created with 6 smooth stone in a "U" pattern on the Anvil. Note that trapping a player or mob between a Saw and Chopping block will result in a *big* bonus to damage caused by the Saw, and the same bonus to skull-drops as if they were killed by a Battle Axe.
  • Added custom death messages for the Saw, Dead Weight, Groth, and for when the player is killed between a Saw and Chopping Block.
  • Added high efficiency recipe for the Saw involving wood Siding instead of planks.
  • Added Arcane Scroll drop to blazes as they can now reliably be farmed.
  • Added the ability to plant carrots and potatoes with the Block Dispenser.
  • Changed (reduced) the cost for using the Infernal Enchanter from base 50, to base 30 in order to better match the values used with the vanilla enchanter.
  • Changed skeleton Arcane Scroll drop so that they don't drop from wither skeletons.
  • Changed the "limit pigman and magma cube" option to the more general "limit nether mob spawns", and applied it to blazes and wither skeletons as well. These mobs can now only spawn on netherrack, and netherbrick.
  • Changed the Mining Charge recipe to use slime balls instead of Glue, as it fits the idea of Glue being a permanent adhesive vs slime being a "tacky" substance better.
  • Changed the limited slime spawning code so that they can now also spawn on grass, gravel, and sand (as well as the previous dirt and smooth stone), to better fit them being able to spawn above-ground now.
  • Changed skeletons and wither skeletons to be able to spawn in the nether regardless of light level, to match the other nether mobs. Without this they couldn't spawn near fire and lava, which obviously doesn't make much sense in the nether.
  • Fixed a very small problem in the Water Wheel rendering code that caused a tiny gap to appear between the struts and blades.
  • Fixed problem with the Block Dispenser being able to harvest wheat, potato, and carrot crops before they were fully grown.

Version 4.33

November 11, 2012

  • Added high efficiency recipe for item frames involving Tanned Leather surrounded by wood Moulding.
  • Added internal functionality to allow silk touch to function or not on blocks based on their subtype. This was used to allow White Stone and Flint blocks to be harvested without converting into other blocks when using silk touch, but it may be useful for add-on authors as well.
  • Added Crucible recipe that first converts gold bars into gold nuggets when there isn't enough Concentrated Hellfire present to produce redstone out of a full bar.
  • Changed the green "you are here" marker on maps placed in frames to point in the direction you are looking at, instead of the direction the map is facing, as it feels far more natural given the direction of the pointer when the map is being held. In other words, the pointer now points in the direction you are looking if your viewing the map from straight on, instead of pointing in the opposite direction, which is the direction the map itself is pointing in.
  • Changed wolves so that they will lose their angry state after their target is dead.
  • Changed cake so that it is only eaten on right-click, to match the other changes made by Mojang in this regard.
  • Changed (refactored) several parts of the mod code to reduce the number of base-classes the mod changes. This will speed up the process of porting to new versions of Minecraft in the future.
  • Changed Glue and slime balls so that they are entirely separate materials with their own uses. Slime is a tacky material that is used for creating things like sticky-pistons, while Glue is a permanent adhesive. Several mod recipes have been changed to reflect this, but the end result is that they can no longer be used interchangeably in recipes, and all mod recipes involve Glue, not slime. This was done because slimes are much more readily available in vanilla now.
  • Changed how chicken possession in the nether works internally to pave the way for additional changes of a similar nature in the future.
  • Fixed crash when attempting to zoom maps out with the Anvil.
  • Removed ability of the Block Dispenser to pick up skulls due to code complications. I may address this later, but for the time being, the BD is simply not effective on skulls.
  • Fixed problem with maps in Item Frames not updating properly on world load.
  • Removed map player location indicator when players are off the edge of the map. I left a slight "border" in there so you still get the indicator if you are slightly off the edge, but it doesn't extend very far at all anymore.
  • Removed map display of location of other players in multiplayer.
  • Removed XP dropped from all sources other than mobs.

Version 4.32

November 5, 2012

  • Added ability to drop player skulls on death.
  • Added Crucible recipe to melt down the vanilla anvil into iron ingots.
  • Added overpower reaction to Mill Stones, Screw Pumps, and Turntables, since these blocks can now be overpowered due to the inclusion of the Vertical Wind Mill in a previous release.
  • Added ability to rotate skulls on the Turntable.
  • Changed axes of all kinds to be effective at harvesting placed skull blocks.
  • Fixed problem with exploding Blasting Oil sometimes appearing to destroy blocks even though they still exist on the server.
  • Fixed crash when the Enderdragon collides with Endermen.
  • Fixed problem with carrots and potatoes "popping" out of tilled soil when bonemeal is applied, and with not being able to plant them in soil to which bonemeal has already been applied.
  • Fixed problem with the Companion Cube & Slab not displaying properly in the creative mode inventory.
  • Fixed problem where rapidly double right-clicking on the Anvil could cause any Moulds it contained to disappear.
  • Fixed occasional texture glitch with the Hand Crank.

Version 4.31

November 4, 2012

  • Updated the mod to version 1.4.2 of Minecraft.
  • Added ability for skeletons, zombies, and creepers to drop heads of the corresponding type upon death.
  • Added *significant* bonus for collecting heads from mobs if they are killed with a Battle Axe.
  • Added in internal mechanism for several mod blocks to help prevent them "jamming" if an update is missed for whatever reason. This affects Stoked Fire, Buddy Block, the Hibachi, Bellows, Block Dispenser, Detector Block, Gear Box, Hand Crank, Light Block, Mill Stone, Pulley, the Saw, and Screw Pump.
  • Changed mobs so that they'll drop any carried equipment regardless of whether they are killed by the player or another source.
  • Changed (increased) the durability of Tanned Leather Armor to relate better that of regular leather.
  • Changed the Hand Crank to not activate on left click, so that it behaves in accordance with the changes made to similar blocks (like the lever) in 1.4.
  • Changed the name of the vanilla Anvil, removed all GUI functionality, removed the damage it takes from falling, changed its bounding box to better reflect its shape, added the ability to rotate it on the Turntable, and changed the recipe for it to only require 7 iron ingots (no blocks).
  • Changed the name of the "Stewing Pot" back to the "Cauldron", and renamed the vanilla one to the "Cistern". I just couldn't take it anymore, and if I'm going to be renaming vanilla blocks anyways for things like the Anvil, I may as well go whole hog on it :)
  • Changed the mod's reliable block update code to be off by default due to it apparently causing memory leaks on SMP servers. However, with the above changes to block updates, the impact of this should be relatively minimal, and players can re-enable it in the config file for their single-player games if it causes too many problems. I'll be working to resolve the memory leak in the near future, but for the time being it was causing too many problems to leave on by default.
  • Changed the sounds on several mod blocks to make use of the new ones in vanilla.
  • Fixed problem with tame wolves displaying the angry wolf texture.
  • Removed the ability of mobs (skeletons & zombies) to spawn carrying leather, gold and diamond armor (only iron, and chain). This was done to prevent the devaluing of gold, diamonds, and Glue.
  • Removed ability of zombies to drop carrots, potatoes, and iron ingots. In the case of iron ingots, this was done because they now drop large amounts of iron just due to their armor and weapons.
  • Removed ability of zombie pigmen to drop gold ingots and nuggets. This was done because they drop a large amount now with their carried swords.
  • Removed glowstone dust, redstone, and gunpowder from the items that witches drop to prevent the devaluing of those resources.
  • Removed a bunch of stuff that villagers used to sell, including anything made out of diamond. I'll be tweaking villagers further in the future, but for now, this was too unbalanced to leave as is.
  • Fixed vanilla bug with the extinguish sound not playing when you put out a fire.
  • Fixed problem with Stewing Pots and Crucibles not exploding when Blasting Oil is overheated.

Known Issues with this release (will be resolved shortly):

  • Maps mounted in frames will not display properly when you load a saved game if they are not exposed to the sky.
  • The Detector Block may currently miss updates on chunk load that may cause Gear Box breakage due to Wind Mills spinning out of control.

Version 4.30

October 25, 2012

  • Added Vertical Wind Mills to the mod! Rejoice! They are created with 8 Sails in a rectangular patten on the crafting grid, rather than the usual 4, and are now the only means of obtaining mechanical power in the nether, other than a Hand Crank. Note that regular Wind Mills already placed in the Nether will continue to function, to avoid breaking existing builds, but if you place a new regular Wind Mill, it will not function, and a vertical one must be used instead.
  • Added back the ability for Ender Spectacles to see spawn locations in the end dimension. I had mistakingly thought that spawns in the end were not dependent on light-level, which they actually are.
  • Added crafting recipes to convert White Stone Siding, Moulding & Corners back into their larger block types.
  • Changed the Dynamite recipe to reflect the recent changes with Hardcore Explosives.
  • Changed Wind Mills to not rotate in The End. Water Wheels will be required to generate power there (in conjunction to the above change to water).
  • Changed ghasts to drop Nitre instead of gunpowder.
  • Fixed problem with being able to process Endstone in the Cauldron. This was never intended, and the Kiln is the proper method of doing so.
  • Fixed problem with white smoke emitted by Stewing Pots & Crucibles moving downwards when the player approaches.
  • Fixed problem with player location not displaying on maps while riding in boats or minecarts, or while standing beneath leaves.
  • Fixed problem with nether wart growing at an extremely reduced rate.

Version 4.22

October 19, 2012

  • Added Hardcore Explosives to the mod. This involves several new blocks and items, and I'll leave the details for players to discover :)
  • Added the Barrel as a new block type. It is crafted with 8 wood Moulding in a square pattern, with Glue in the middle.
  • Added the Element as a new item. It is now required to create a Hibachi, replacing the Filament in the previous recipe.
  • Added config file option to disable the mod's reliable block update code, strictly as a test for server operators. This option will be removed in a later release.
  • Added ability to rotate logs on the Turntable.
  • Added new recipe for cookies using Flour instead of wheat, and removed the old vanilla recipe as part of Hardcore Grinding.
  • Added additional tests to ensure the mod has been properly installed and that crucial base-classes aren't being overwritten. I was getting pretty sick of the "the mod works fine with parts of it overwritten by other mods" tech support nonsense.
  • Added internal functionality for add-on authors to allow custom blocks to be cooked in the Kiln.
  • Changed Ender Spectacles so that Endermen will not attack if you look at them while wearing them. Note that this replaces the same functionality that used to be assigned to pumpkins. Pumpkins will thus no longer work as a means of defense against them.
  • Fixed problem with the player not receiving the bread achievement after cooking Flour in the furnace.

Version 4.21

October 9, 2012

  • Added Hardcore Spawn as new optional game mode (off by default). This mode is largely intended for anarchy servers where it prevents such problems as spawn-camping, players immediately returning to cause problems after they are killed, and idiocy like intentional suicides to get back to original spawn. It thus makes traps and general base defense much more effective. Despite being primarily intended for anarchy play, it can also make for an interesting single-player experience for the more hardcore amongst us as it gives much more impact to player death and encourages player construction and exploration over a wider area. Note that with Hardcore Spawn enabled, spawn build protection is automatically disabled, as it becomes irrelevant.
  • Added Hardcore Player Names as a new SMP server option. This is largely intended for anarchy servers, where player names act as a rather unfair way of detecting a player's location without line of sight, and of immediately identifying friend or foe (which eliminates a lot of potential tension in encountering another player). It totally disables player names appearing above a player's avatar, but may be disabled in the mod's config file.
  • Added new cheat/server-op command "/loc" that will display current co-ordinates within the world.
  • Added new usage case for the "/time" cheat/server-op command. Entering it without parameters will return the current overworld time.
  • Changed endermen from being lame and annoying, to being cool and sinister.
  • Changed maps so that they won't display your location, or draw in new terrain, while you are underground or inside (you have to have open sky above you).
  • Changed the Stake so that it is treated as a block when filtered by a Hopper.
  • Changed Rotted Arrows so that only 4 are required to break them down in a stoked Stewing Pot, rather than 8.
  • Changed the way Planters display to hopefully resolve some performance issues on lower end systems.
  • Changed the way Unfired Pottery displays internally to avoid code duplication with the display of the various cooked pottery types.
  • Removed option for reverse Gear Box placement as it had become redundant due to the ability to rotate Gear Boxes after placement. Also, it was no longer working properly with SMP and thus was becoming more trouble than it was worth.

Version 4.20

October 1, 2012

  • Added the Stake as a new block type. It is crafted with a string on top of a wood Moulding.
  • Added Hardcore Bedding as a new mod feature. This effectively disables beds as a means to set spawn position and to skip the night. This was done to encourage construction (especially of rail networks), restore the balance between day and night activities within the game, restore the impact of weather on gameplay, and to give player death more consequence. Beds are just a bad feature, mkay?
  • Added Hardcore Info as a new mod feature. This removes any information in the debug menu that can be used to gain an in-game advantage, while leaving in place any info that would be used for tweaking performance and such. It also adds a new display for how close the player is to a chunk boundary, since this can be used to workaround bugs in redstone circuits due to how block updates work in vanilla, while not providing cheaty info about which direction the player is facing. Long story short: no more in-game GPS :)
  • Added ability to cut wood stairs with the Saw.
  • Added recipes to melt the Ocular of Ender, and Ender Spectacles in the Crucible.
  • Added Hardcore Chests to the options that are displayed when a player joins a multiplayer server.
  • Added a new aspect to Hardcore Chickens.
  • Changed Pedestal placement so that it works more like vanilla slabs.
  • Changed (refined) the tests that the Ender Spectacles use to determine if mobs can spawn somewhere to provide more accurate results. This will resolve problems like them not indicating snow as a valid spawn location.
  • Changed the Crucible so that gold items are melted before iron.
  • Removed vanilla recipes for turning red & yellow flowers into dyes as part of Hardcore Grinding. This may be done in the Millstone.
  • Fixed problem with arrows bouncing off of mobs.
  • Fixed problem with mooshrooms wearing breeding harnesses having mushrooms poke through them. Mooshrooms now convert to regular cows when you put a harness on them.

Version 4.16

September 26, 2012

  • Changed the name of Carbon Powder back to "Coal Dust", as Carbon Powder just sounded way too high-tech, and I really don't care about mod names conflicting with those from other mods anymore :)
  • Fixed problem with Bellows not being able to blow items through trapdoor blocks.
  • Fixed problem with the Block Dispenser picking up emeralds instead of emerald ore.

Version 4.15

September 25, 2012

  • Added the ability for the Bellows to blow items of different "weights" different distances. This should open up item filtration possibilities that weren't present in the past.
  • Added a concept of undertow to Hardcore Buoy to prevent items from floating upwards in downward flowing water.
  • Added internal hooks so that add-on authors can assign which of their custom items can be blown by the Bellows, and how far.
  • Changed (tweaked) several aspects of the way items behave in water with Hardcore Buoy enabled to create a more refined experience where they act in a way that feels much more natural.
  • Changed the way Screw Pumps work to prevent several possible exploits.
  • Fixed problem with bows and glass bottles not floating properly in Hardcore Buoy.
  • Fixed problem with items sometimes getting stuck on Saws in water flow with Hardcore Buoy enabled.
  • Fixed problem with stone Siding and Corners floating in Hardcore Buoy.
  • Fixed annoying door-banging vanilla problem with zombie sieges spawning even when zombies shouldn't be able to spawn somewhere (like in lit up areas)

Version 4.14

September 22, 2012

  • Added a new optional game-mode (on by default) called "Hardcore Buoy". WARNING: This game mode will definitely break existing builds, as it drastically alters the way water-flow is used for item transport and filtration. However, it is much more interesting, and opens up many filtration possibilities that weren't present in the past. It may be disabled in the config file, but I strongly recommend leaving it enabled and adapting your builds, as future mod content will likely be dependent upon it.
  • Added internal code for removing recipes from the Cauldron & Crucible. This should be useful to add-on mod authors.
  • Added internal code for adding and removing recipes to the Mill Stone, for use by add-on mod authors.
  • Changed (optimized) the way the Mill Stone works for better performance in SMP.
  • Fixed smoke particle effect when the Block Dispenser dispenses a block or item.

Version 4.13

September 21, 2012

  • Added upside down Wicker Slabs.
  • Added upside down Companion Slabs. Unfortunately, due to the way the metadata was structured for this block, this may mean that a small number of Companion Slabs already placed in your world may convert to upside down slabs.
  • Added ability for Moulding to auto-connect to corners. This should make several shapes possible that weren't before with Moulding only auto-connecting to other Moulding.
  • Added crafting recipe to recombine Wickers Slabs back into Wicker Blocks.
  • Added birthing effects to villagers.
  • Added high efficiency recipe to make stone brick stairs out of stone brick Moulding.
  • Added the ability to grow tall grass and flowers by applying bone meal to grass back into the mod.
  • Added a new variety of cat (tabby) to the game.
  • Changed the Wicker Slab recipe to be only 2 wide to fit the recipes of Wool & Dirt Slabs, or "slabs that you can make with your hands".
  • Changed the way Screw Pumps function to hopefully fix a problem some users were experiencing with a stack overflow.
  • Removed ability to create Wool Slabs with the Saw, as it didn't make a whole lot of sense. You can still of course create them in the crafting grid.
  • Fixed problem with multi-color wood stair recipes involving Moulding, not working properly in SMP.

Version 4.12

September 15, 2012

  • Added a new animated texture for Stoked Fire.
  • Added particle effects when mechanical devices explode due to misuse.
  • Added high-efficiency recipes to make different colored wood stairs out of the various colors of wood Moulding.
  • Added code to communicate whether Hardcore Buckets is on when connecting to a server so that clients don't need to have the option set to the same value in their config file for buckets to behave properly.
  • Added code to prevent players from being kicked from servers in SMP for flying while standing on moving Platforms or Wind Mills.  I couldn't reproduce this problem myself mind you, so I can't be 100% this will resolve the problem for everyone.
  • Changed (optimized) several mod blocks to consume less bandwidth in SMP.  This applies to: Bellows, Nether Groth, Blood Wood, powered cake (you know you want to), Cement, Hopper, Soulforged Steel, Bloodwood Saplings, Mining Charge, Block Dispenser, Buddy Block, Detector Block, and the Turntable.
  • Changed (increased) the range of Nether Groth spore release due to Steve's freakishly long arms.
  • Changed (increased) the distance at which animals and villagers will continue to follow you if you're holding a tempting item.  This is to help compensate for it being way more annoying to get them to follow you again in 1.3 if they lose interest, and to make transporting them long distances less annoying overall.
  • Changed (increased) the speed at which villagers follow you while you're holding a diamond slightly, to match their normal movement speed.
  • Changed Cauldrons & Crucibles to produce white smoke when they have a fire beneath them, instead of black, as this is far more noticeable given that fire produces black smoke.
  • Fixed the Bellows not lifting entities on top of it when it expanded.
  • Fixed blowing particles on Bellows.
  • Fixed items blown by the Bellows appearing to jump from place to place instead of moving smoothly.
  • Fixed Nether Groth spore release visual effect.
  • Fixed Mining Charge explosion visual effects.
  • Fixed Hopper particle effect when it is "dripping" XP.
  • Fixed vanilla bug that caused XP Orbs to have an invalid position on the client immediately after spawning, causing them to be initially invisible.
  • Fixed problem with the Wind Mill not displaying its warning message when there's not enough room to place it.

Version 4.11

September 10, 2012

  • Added Hardcore Grinding. This removes the vanilla recipes for bone meal, sugar, bread and cake, requiring the player to use the Mill Stone to grind each of these (wheat may be ground into Flour, then baked into bread or crafted into cake). Thanks to Sarudak for originally proposing this idea, and for going so far as to create a BTW add-on mod that convinced me of what a great idea it is :)
  • Added ability to fill water bottles from non-source water blocks, as this is rather useful in Hardcore Bucket mode.
  • Added some of the newer mod blocks to the creative inventory.
  • Added internal functionality for removing vanilla crafting recipes, as this was needed for Hardcore Grinding, and should prove useful for add-on mods.
  • Added recipe for breaking down arrows in a stoked Stewing Pot. It's not lossless though.
  • Changed (reduced) the amount of Bone Meal required to make Kibble, to help balance its overall usage in relation to fertilizing crops.
  • Changed the amount that villagers buy books and paper for, as their relative value didn't make a whole lot of sense given that it was more productive to sell unfinished vs. finished and more resource intensive goods. This effectively decreases the value of paper slightly, while increasing the value of books significantly.
  • Changed the Column recipe to be two vertical strips of stone in the crafting grid instead of 1, and to produce twice as much. This is because it fits the recipe for the Pedestal much better, and just looks better overall.
  • Changed the Arcane Scroll drop types on pigmen and magma cubes to adjust for the removal of the blaze drop below.
  • Fixed problem with weird artifact water being left behind when placing a water bucket with Hardcore Buckets enabled.
  • Fixed problem with buckets not showing up in the creative inventory with Hardcore Buckets enabled.
  • Fixed problem with the Block Dispenser being able to pickup end portals.
  • Fixed problem with villagers selling Hemp and writable books in SMP, rather than buying them.
  • Fixed problem where librarian villagers were buying Hemp instead of Priests. This simply would not do.
  • Fixed red particles when living entities come into contact with a powered Saw.
  • Fixed Placenta! Woot! :)
  • Removed the Arcane Scroll drop from blazes, as the only way to effectively farm them is through spawners.

Version 4.10

September 7, 2012

  • Added the Screw as a new item.
  • Added Hardcore Chests. This is a multiplayer standalone server optional mode (you can turn it off in the config file, and it does not apply to single-player or LAN) that causes Ender Chests to use a communal inventory for all players in the world, much as they worked in the vanilla pre-release. This is to prevent them wrecking anarchy SMP play by preventing all possibility of having your valuable items looted/stolen. Note that this will cause items already stored in Ender Chests to not be accessible by players on your server, so you'll probably want to warn your players to retrieve their items before installing this version if you intend to leave this mode enabled.
  • Added a version check when connecting to a server with BTW installed. If your version and that of the server don't match, a warning message will be displayed to indicate this. I also added a version display in single-player when the world is first loaded. You can check it later by popping up chat ("t" is default key).
  • Added recipes to recombine all the new Siding, Moulding, & Corner blocks from the last release. Note that wood blocks may only be recombined with ones of the same color.
  • Changed Hardcore Bucket mode to be on by default for the mod. With the addition of Screw Pumps, it is now the official mode of play for BTW, but may still be disabled through the mod config file if you have no concept of fun ;)
  • Changed (increased) the amount of time it takes for the Bellows to change state to encourage the use of slower Turntable settings with it, to help reduce SMP lag from unnecessarily fast timers.
  • Changed the Bellows so that it won't pump unless it receives a continuous mechanical power state for the duration of the time it takes to change state. This is to prevent exploits in using high-speed timers (such as pulsars) to pump Bellows.
  • Changed Wind Mills and Water Wheels to not be displayed unless the chunks around them are loaded. This is to prevent them giving away base locations in SMP Anarchy play due to them being temporarily visible when the surrounding terrain would normally make it impossible to see them.
  • Changed the way Gear Boxes and Axles are handled internally to minimize the network traffic associated with them.
  • Fixed problem with Oak Corners dropping Oak Mouldings when destroyed.
  • Fixed problem with Hoppers and Bellows dropping the old wood siding when they are broken through misuse.
  • Fixed problem with wood slabs & fences not dropping the correct Mouldings or Corners when cut using a Saw.
  • Fixed erroneous semi-colon in the mod's config file.
  • Fixed problem with Hardcore Sheep where certain parts of the breeding algorithm were using the parent sheep's dye color rather than their original color to determine the color of offspring.
  • Fixed problem with empty buckets not stacking properly in Hardcore Bucket mode.
  • Fixed vanilla bug in Hardcore Bucket mode where milking a cow would replace an entire stack of empty buckets with a single milk bucket.

Version 4.01

September 1, 2012

  • Added ability to use bonemeal on Hemp due to popular demand! Rejoice!
  • Added wood Siding, Moulding, and Corners for each of the different colors of vanilla wood, as it just felt really weird without them since the different colors were added to the game. Note that old wood blocks of these types (which can be identified by shortened names such as "Moulding" instead of "Oak Moulding") will not mix with the new ones in recipes, and will not stack with the new, but placing then removing the old blocks will correct this problem.
  • Added Stone Brick Siding, Moulding, and Corners. More varieties of such blocks will be coming in the future once extended blockIDs are made available, but given that stone brick is probably the most popular building material right now, I figured this one was worth it, and I needed a simple test case for the new Siding, Moulding & Corner code.
  • Added the ability for Moulding to connect to other Mouldings of the same type. Try it out, you'll see what I mean :)
  • Added the ability to use Soul Urns as fertilizer on netherwart & Nether Groth, just like with Bloodwood Saplings. This provides a method of kick-starting netherwart farms, albeit a very expensive one.
  • Added the ability for priests to buy Hemp.
  • Added recipes to convert Unfired Pottery back into clay balls in the crafting grid to make it a little easier to start over when you mess up while spinning pottery.
  • Changed Vine Traps to use a system similar to vanilla slabs to determine whether they should be placed upside down or not.
  • Changed the recipes for both Blood Wood Saplings, & Nether Groth Spores to require 8 Soul Urns each. You're creating life here after all :)
  • Changed recipes for Dirt and Wool Slabs to require two of the full blocks side by side in the crafting grid. This is so that they conform better to other vanilla slab recipes, and conflict less with other mods while retaining the ability to make them without a crafting table.
  • Changed the order in which the Crucible cooks its contents so that items are melted down before new ones are created for convenience. The overall order now is: combustible items burn, items melt down, then new items (such as Soulforged Steel) are created.
  • Changed priests to buy the book & quill, rather than books that are already written. This is to avoid the annoyance of putting a single letter in a book in order to be able to sell it.
  • Changed Wool & Dirt Slabs to handle light opacity in the same way as vanilla slabs.
  • Changed the bounding box on Hemp so that it resizes to reflect its growth state.
  • Changed shovels (including the Mattock) to be effective when used on tilled earth.
  • Fixed problem with Unfired Pottery sometimes displaying the cooking texture when it is first place in the Kiln, only to change back to the regular texture, then back again to cooking.
  • Fixed problem with melon and pumpkin stems not displaying properly when the seeds were first planted in Planters.
  • Fixed problem with being able to place blocks like torches and redstone on top of empty Planters.

Version 4.00

August 27, 2012

  • Added full support for SMP! Yes, that's right: the moment you've all been waiting for is here, and BTW is fully multiplayer! Installation instructions for the server can be found in the readme. Further refinements will of course be made in the future, but for now: Have fun guys, and WOOT!!!! :)
  • Added particle effects when retracting rope with the Anchor.
  • Added particle effects when clay is rotated on the Turntable.
  • Fixed problem with stone bricks not appearing in the creative inventory.
  • Fixed problem with stone brick not appearing to change into mossy or cracked when the blocks converted.
  • Removed code for universal wolf ownership as it really didn't make sense for SMP. This may mean that you have to retame your wolves if you tend to switch between MC accounts.

Version 3.xx

Version 3.0 Changelog

Version 2.xx

Version 2.0 Changelog

Version 1.xx

Version 1.0 Changelog