Change log

From Better Than Wolves Wiki
Revision as of 02:40, 6 September 2022 by Mason11987 (talk | contribs) (Version CE 1.1.0)
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Links to each version can be found here: Versions

Version CE 1.3.X

Version CE 1.3.10

June 18th, 2022


  • Fixed an issue where the game would load addons installed directly into the jar out of order (note that specifying load order for mods loaded from the mods folder is not yet supported)
  • Fixed an issue where a null pointer error would be logged if no addons were installed in the mods folder.
  • Fixed an issue where the addon loader was percent encoding file URIs leading to it looking for files in the wrong location.

Version CE 1.3.9

June 16th, 2022


  • Added the ability to load addons from the ./mods folder. Note, however, that addons must declare their main addon class in their own package as the loader will not check the base MC package.
  • Added several new splash texts, and removed a few that no longer fit with the current state of the mod. Thanks to everyone who suggested new splash texts!
  • Tweaked some translation entries for the Turkish translation.


  • Added a config option to disable the HCS radius increase in large biomes.
  • Changed hardcore spawn to try not to respawn the player in the jungle or ocean. Do note that it is still possible to spawn there if no other location is found within a reasonable time.
  • Changed the block dispenser to only place a minecart in the world if one is not already present in front of it.
  • Changed block dispensers to eject minecarts with some velocity if a rail is present.
  • Changed the position at which a block dispenser places a minecart without rails to make it easier to fit them down a 1x1 hole.
  • Changed minecarts with chests to be more predictable when spilling items when broken.
  • Changed hoppers to no longer reset the number of contained souls when the soul sand filter is removed to make it more difficult to circumvent breaking the hopper when not powered.
  • Changed tools to no longer be placed inside of replaceable blocks to prevent using them to put out fires.
  • Changed snow placed during world generation to fill in tall grass and other snowloggable blocks.
  • Changed (increased) the volume of the splash sound when a fish grabs a fish hook.
  • Fixed an issue where crafting crucibles on a turntable did not eject a clay ball.
  • Fixed an issue where carrots required natural light to grow.
  • Fixed an issue where the health regen changes from last release did not get applied to multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where some block place events were using the step sound instead of the place sound.

Addon API

  • Added hooks to define behavior when entities are consumed by a block dispenser.
  • Added hooks to prevent the player from respawning in certain biomes.
  • Added hooks to change the volume and pitch of different block sounds (place, step, break) independently of one another.
  • Added hooks to define more properties for daily growth crops.

Version CE 1.3.8

March 10th, 2022


  • Added a German translation. Thanks to Sockthing for providing the translation!
  • Added a Turkish translation. Thanks to slzei for providing the translation!
  • Fixed an issue where grass blocks rendered the grass overlay on top of dirt instead of on top of the base grass texture.


  • Changed the player to go up ladders more slowly when using an item.
  • Changed the player's health to regenerate slightly faster to reduce the time wasted. This should make little difference in combat, but should reduce downtime by a small amount
  • Changed (reduced) the amount of food chickens get from eating items like seeds.
  • Removed the ability for pigs to eat sugar cane in the world, since they are unable to eat sugar cane items anyway, and since pigs eating sugar cane roots has a much bigger negative impact than before sugar cane was reworked.
  • Fixed an issue where blocks with different sounds based on metadata (like sand slabs) would not play their custom sounds on place or break.
  • Fixed an issue where the screw gave back too much iron when melted down in a crucible.

Addon API

  • Added a hook for addons to disable HC bouncing without editing EntityPlayer.
  • Fixed an issue where rain particles would spawn during snow in biomes with only partial snow coverage.

Version CE 1.3.7

February 9th, 2022


  • Added a Simplified Chinese translation. Thanks to Peakstep for providing the translation!


  • Changed the recipe for the screw. The recipe remains the same shape, using a column of three iron ingots in the center, while the outer ingots have been changed to nuggets. This should help make screw pump towers a little more accessible in the mid game, without completely devaluing their cost.
  • Changed vanilla armor types to have equal durability across armor slots to match mod armors.

Addon API

  • Changed the type passed in to the world decorator hook from last release from BiomeDecorator to a new interface FCIBiomeDecorator, which BiomeDecorator implements.
  • Changed the hook for checking for valid snow placement to pass the current world as an argument.
  • Fixed an issue where some instances of the game checking for snow did not use the new hook.

Version CE 1.3.6

January 26th, 2022


  • Fixed an issue where sawing corners of wood types with metadata would create gears with metadata which wouldn't stack together or work in recipes. Additionally, recipes involving gears have been changed to ignore metadata so that existing bugged gears can be used.
  • Fixed an issue where diamond shears made no sound when used in crafting.

Creative Mode

  • Changed health/hunger status effects to not apply when the player is in creative mode.

Addon API

  • Added hooks to FCAddOn to allow addons to define behavior for decorating the world (for things like trees, ores, etc)
  • Added hooks to allow biomes to define whether it can snow at a certain location.
  • Changed the checks for breaking the saw to check for if a block has a recipe, removing the need to also disable breaking the saw in the block's class.

Version CE 1.3.5

January 10th, 2022


  • Fixed an issue where moonlight was erroneously block mobs from spawning on slabs and other partial blocks.
  • Fixed an issue where scattered features (temples and witch huts) were not generating properly.

Version CE 1.3.4

December 19th, 2021


  • Added the ability to block with the refined hoe since its right click functionality has been freed up.
  • Fixed an issue where smelting nether bricks in an oven still used nether sludge instead of unfired nether brick.
  • Fixed an issue where using fireworks would cause the game to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where saws in multiplayer were checking against material incorrectly.
  • Removed the recipe for the old unfired brick block in the kiln, since it is no longer obtainable, in order to help craftguide keep clutter down.

Creative Mode

  • Fixed an issue where unfired nether bricks returned the wrong result when using pick block.
  • Fixed an issue where stone always returned its first strata variant when used with pick block.

Version CE 1.3.3

December 16th, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where chopping logs with an axe produced 4 planks instead of 2.
  • Fixed an issue where several BTW materials would erroneously break the saw. I made sure all vanilla materials were updated to the new system but missed the BTW materials.

Creative Mode

  • Fixed an issue where wet bricks returned the wrong result when using pick block.

Addon API

  • Fixed an issue where saw and kiln recipes weren't properly checking for if they should ignore metadata.

Version CE 1.3.2

December 14th, 2021


  • Added the ability to put a breeding harness on mooshrooms without them being converted into normal cows.
  • Changed fire aspect to no longer be available on the vanilla enchanter given that it is now significantly stronger than before, especially when exploring. It may now only be obtained through the infernal enchanter.
  • Changed mobs to no longer be able to spawn on wicker as a thematic extension of not being able to spawn on wood, and because hampers and baskets being spawnable was unintuitive.
  • Changed campfires to startle animals when placed to fix an exploit with setting animals on fire in the early game.
  • Fixed an issue where clay balls were still used to make bricks in an oven instead of wet bricks.
  • Fixed an issue where the tops of blocks would not have biome coloring applied when smooth lighting was turned off.
  • Fixed an issue where mooshrooms did not have textures for hungry or starving states, and changed them to only grow mushrooms on their backs when fully fed.
  • Fixed an issue where slimes in swamps did not respect the new lighting requirements for spawning.
  • Fixed an issue (again) where clients would disconnect from multiplayer when sneaking/pressing alt use/sprinting. Version control issues meant the code for this change did not actually make it into last release.

Creative Mode

  • Fixed an issue where several blocks returned the block instead of item form when using pick block: iron and gold ore chunks, various pastries, unfired pottery.
  • Fixed an issue where unfired pottery was not present in the creative menu.

Addon API

  • Added hooks to define whether a material breaks the saw or not.
  • Added the ability to define multiple valid input metadata values for a single saw or kiln recipe, instead of requiring a separate recipe for each metadata, and updated BTW recipes to use this system. This is primarily to help craftguide to display recipes properly.
  • Added static arrays to FCRecipes holding the metadata values for siding, moulding, and corners, to assist in defining in-world recipes such as those on the saw.
  • Added a warning when attempting to add a hopper filtering recipe with an input stack size greater than 1.
  • Added hooks to set a block to define whether a block should startle animals when placed or removed.
  • Added hooks to define log chopping recipes, and separated existing recipes into their own instances. The old FCRecipesLogChopping class has also been deprecated, and will be removed at a later date.
  • Changed turntable recipes to be handled by a crafting manager.
  • Fixed an issue where helper methods for adding subblock recipes to the saw were not public.

Version CE 1.3.1

December 13th, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where mod initialization in multiplayer would still cause crashes on launching the server.


  • Added the ability to sprint by pressing alt use (defaulted to ctrl) while moving.
  • Added the ability to place several orientable blocks with the opposite rotation by holding alt use while placing.
  • Changed sprinting to not cancel when hitting blocks as long as movement input is still activated.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing alt use while moving in multiplayer would disconnect the client.

Version CE 1.3.0

November 29th, 2021


  • Added a full Russian translation. Thanks to Quanteus for providing the translation!
  • Fixed an issue where texturepacks took a very long time to load.
  • Fixed an issue where a couple of translation entries were duplicated.


  • Added new grass and mycelium growth mechanics, which are detailed further below.
  • Added a new system for farming silverfish in the end, based loosely on the old system, which is left to the player to discover.
  • Added the ability to turn a stack of bark into potash.
  • Added a new keybinding as an alternate use key, bound to ctrl by default, allowing items to have multiple right click functionalities.
  • Added the ability to place swords into soft materials using alt use + right click.
  • Changed tools to be placed using alt use + right click to allow adding right click functionality to tools and to decrease the occurrance of accidentally placing tools. This also enables placing of steel tools.
  • Changed buckets to be placed using alt use + right click, allowing them to be placed once again without requiring block dispensers.
  • Changed hostile mobs to only spawn in complete darkness (aka gloom) in order to decrease torch spam. Note that they can still spawn in sunlight of 7 or less so normal nighttime spawns are unaffected when artifical light is not present.
  • Changed cactus to be able to be planted on itself for decorative uses. Note that the base plant must still be placed in a planter.
  • Changed dragon orbs to collide with blocks in the same way as items, which should hopefully make them easier to work with in automated systems.
  • Changed the recipe for mining charges to produce 3 instead of 2.
  • Changed the ender spectacles overlay to remove the green tint.
  • Fixed an issue where crafting dynamite with soul dust still only produced 1.
  • Fixed an issue where cooking recipes still used the old carrot.
  • Fixed an issue where sugar cane roots could be placed on top of other sugar cane plants.
  • Fixed an issue where combining slabs played the block's step sound instead of its place sound.
  • Fixed an issue where upside down slabs which started falling (such as when a dirt slab lost its anchor) immediately rendered as normal slabs instead of rendering as upside down.
  • Fixed a vanilla issue where the game would be unable to load a save if you exited with a fishing line cast.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where the game would crash when generating mountains.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where the game would crash when a player died with items in their inventory.


  • Added sparse grass as a new grass growth stage. When eating grass, animals will turn grass into sparse grass instead of dirt, and animals will only eat sparse grass when they are starving. This makes animal pens far less subject to snowballing failure and makes it easier to tell if a pen is too small before it is too late. Note that pigs are an exception to this and will still turn grass directly into loose dirt.
  • Added sparse mycelium which serves the same purpose as above. Furthermore, this fixes an issue where mooshrooms would create patches of spawnable ground on the surface of mushroom biomes.
  • Changed grass to be able to grow under artifical light so long as it can still see the sky, meaning grass can now grow at night as long as it is lit. This fixes an issue where animals could die through no fault of your own simply by leaving your base for several days in a row, returning only at night.
  • Changed (reduced) the distance which grass and mycelium can grow downwards from 3 blocks to 2. This fixes an exploit where animal pens could be constructed with grass roofs to significantly improve their output. The primary purpose of these, preventing snowballing, has now been handled as a legitimate feature through sparse grass and mycelium.
  • Changed grass slabs to use their own block ids instead of sharing with dirt slabs. Old grass slabs in the world will convert to the new ones over time, and a conversion recipe has been provided to convert the old items into the new ones.
  • Changed (removed) the light level requirement for mycelium to grow as it ran somewhat counter to its purpose in blocking mob spawns, and didn't make a lot of sense when mushrooms would still grow without light. This also increases the value of mooshrooms by allowing pens for them to be built without sunlight.
  • Changed (refactored) how grass and mycelium spread are handled internally.
  • Changed (refactored) how grass rendering is handled internally.
  • Changed (increased) the food value multiplier for pigs slightly to account for the changes made to grass spread, since they did not benefit as much from the new mechanics.
  • Changed (reduced) the overall necessary pen size for animals as the old values were far too cumbersome to make use of late game.
  • Changed (increased) the food value items provide to animals significantly, as feeding animals with items was entirely unreasonable to do previously.
  • Changed animals to once again drop cooked meat if they die while on fire. With mobs setting you on fire and animals dropping burned meat, fire aspect was a wholly detrimental enchantment and this should hopefully return some value to it.
  • Fixed an issue where animals could not eat ferns.
  • Fixed an issue where mycelium slabs could not be combined with dirt slabs.
  • Fixed an issue where combining two grass slabs resulted in a dirt block.

Creative Mode

  • Fixed an issue where the new silverfish blocks were missing translation entries.

Addon API

  • Reformatted FCAddOn class to make it more clear what kind of functionality is present for addon authors.
  • Added hooks to get block light value only, ignoring sunlight.
  • Fixed an issue where several FCAddOnHandler methods were not static.
  • Fixed an issue where naturally spawned entities were not respecting class mapping replacements.
  • Fixed an issue where block and item replacement used the wrong method overloads when registering addons for mutual replacement.
  • Removed deprecated versions of block and item replacement as a part of the above fix.
  • Removed deprecated versions of secondary output recipe definitions.

Version CE 1.2.X

Version CE 1.2.3

November 12th, 2021


  • Added the ability for mob spawners to convert loose cobblestone into mossy cobblestone.
  • Added silverfish versions of mossy, cracked, and chiseled stone brick, and changed strongholds to generate those variants.
  • Changed silverfish variants to use their own block ids to open up metadata for later.
  • Changed windmills to be completely destroyed by lightning instead of dropping as an item to encourage protecting windmills from storms.
  • Changed (increased) the weight on the soul urn trade for the priest to make levelling the priest from 4 to 5 less frustrating.
  • Changed the canvas trade for the priest from level 5 to level 4 to further improve levelling a priest from 4 to 5.
  • Changed the dynamite recipe to output 2.
  • Changed mining charges to drop items as if the blocks were mined instead of their normal explosion drops.
  • Fixed an issue where the butcher still requested old carrots.
  • Fixed an issue where invalid trades were not being properly removed from villager trade lists.
  • Fixed an issue where guaranteed villager trades, like runed and infused skulls, displayed the "+" for xp even though such trades do not provide xp.
  • Fixed an issue where smooth lighting did not properly apply to grass and grass slabs.
  • Fixed an issue where grass slabs erroneously always used better grass for their sides when that was enabled, even when it should have used the default texture.
  • Fixed an issue where the mysterious gland, witch wart, and vessel of the dragon were missing from the creative inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where magenta and light blue were swapped when mixing colors for sheep.

Addon API

  • Added hooks to define custom behavior when a block is destroyed by a mining charge.
  • Added hooks to define whether a block can be converted by a mob spawner.
  • Added hooks to define new silverfish invested variants.

Version CE 1.2.2

November 1st, 2021


  • Added the ability to make scrambled eggs out of fried and poached eggs as well as raw ones for convenience.
  • Changed (increased) the drop rate of jungle saplings to match that of the other sapling types.
  • Changed (reduced) the time required for trees to grow slightly to make farming trees more viable, while still requiring a significant time to grow.
  • Changed the sound on sheep regrowing their wool to be more appropriate.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to reel a fish in would sometimes immediately re-apply bait to the rod instead of reeling it back in.
  • Fixed an issue where applying bait to a fishing rod with a right click would consume bait from every valid stack instead of only the first.
  • Fixed an issue where the drops from legacy sugar cane depended on the order the blocks were broken in.
  • Fixed an issue where sugar cane and pumpkins were not properly generating.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where the game tried to load world data before mods were initialized.

Addon API

  • Added hooks for blocks to define their light value dynamically instead of being fixed per blockID.

Version CE 1.2.1

October 23rd, 2021


  • Added mashed melon as a new item produced when melons explode, and reduced the number of items produced. Mashed melon may be manually crafted into seeds, or passed through a wicker filter in a hopper. This allows melons to be accessed as a food source before having access to the saw, while still maintaining the saw as a far more efficient way of eating melons.
  • Added sounds and particle effects to saplings growing into trees in a fertilized planter.
  • Added the ability to right click a fishing rod to apply bait from the hotbar from yany's Click Bait addon.
  • Changed full moons to be slightly less effective for catching fish given the increase in efficiency by incorporating click bait.
  • Changed hardcore spawn to reset the time to day on a server with only one player online.
  • Refactored how sheep color blending is handled to clean up the related code and fix some inconsistencies.
  • Fixed an issue where a sapling which failed to grow from a fertilized planter would turn the planter into a sapling.
  • Fixed an issue where saplings would not consume fertilizer when they matured.
  • Fixed an issue where baby sheep had far too much fur.
  • Fixed an issue where chicken feed could not be made from carrot seeds.
  • Fixed an issue where chickens affected by Nothing to Worry About did not have their feather drops increased when their normal drops were changed.

Version CE 1.2.0

October 21st, 2021


  • Updated the title splashes.
  • Fixed an issue where config options were not being properly saved.
  • Fixed an issue where better grass did not work for mycelium.
  • Fixed an issue where better grass did not work for grass slabs.


  • Added several new systems to update more crops to vegehenna. These changes are detailed individually further below. Note that this will be expanded upon in future releases to eventually update all crops to vegehenna standards.
  • Added the ability to silk touch clay ore, and removed the ability to convert old vanilla clay into unfired clay (as that was done by using clay ore's item id). It has been long enough since the original clay change that I find it very unlikely people still have clay that has not been converted.
  • Added the ability to use fortune on clay ore to increase the amount of clay dropped.
  • Added the diamond armor plate, and renamed the steel one to differentiate it. It may be crafted with 2 leather straps with a diamond ingot in the middle, and padding below the diamond ingot. The steel armor plate recipe has also been tweaked to match for consistency.
  • Changed diamond armor to require diamond armor plates in a similar manner to steel armor (straps replacing the shoulders and legs, and added on the chin, for 7 total), though the recipes still use the 3x3 anvil. This should hopefully allow iron armor a bit of room to breathe by making diamond armor a tad more expensive and slightly lossy when melted down.
  • Changed sheep to display their original wool color when shorn.
  • Changed wicker baskets to return all the wicker used in crafting them instead of only 1 to make the transition to hampers less frustrating given the sugar cane changes below.
  • Changed hamper's selection and hit boxes to better match their model.
  • Changed sails to be crafted with 3 fabric instead of 6 to reduce the amount of time spent early game waiting for hemp to grow. This should also make hardcore spawns across oceans slightly less punishing.
  • Changed (reduced) the maximum hardcore spawn range after entering the end to scale linearly with the other range increases instead of being dramatically higher.
  • Changed (reduced) the lockout timer on being assigned a new spawn location after dying. Now if you die after night falls you should be assigned a new location instead of simply death looping until morning. This should hopefully reduce some of the frustration of dying again immediately after a hardcore spawn.
  • Changed (increased) the minimum food value for the player on rapid respawns within the same day so that the player should no longer respawn unable to jump.
  • Removed the scaling minimum distance for hardcore spawn. The minimum is now fixed with only the maximum scaling in order to increase the chances of landing on old bases to generally make HCS reward overworld infrastructure more.
  • Removed the water bucket from the bread dough recipe as it made bread a pain to craft.
  • Fixed an issue where wolves would eat loose food on the ground even when not hungry.


  • Added sugar cane roots, which are now required to grow sugar cane as the sugar cane item may no longer be planted (though it may still be placed on top of plants with roots). New roots can be bought from the farmer or found by exploring, as newly generated sugar cane plants will generate with roots which can be picked up and moved. The growth rate of sugar cane has been increased to offset new plants being much more rare. Old sugarcane plants will continue to function as normal so as to not break builds. Old plants will also drop roots when their base block is broken to make conversion easier.
  • Added a new carrot item, which is used for the new carrot crops. Old carrots will function as they used to so as to not break old builds. A crafting recipe has been provided to convert old carrots to new carrots.
  • Added a new flowering carrot plant, which can be obtained by planting a whole carrot. Flowering carrots drop carrot seeds when harvested.
  • Added a new carrot plant grown from carrot seeds, which drops a single carrot when harvested. Both kinds of carrot plants use daily growth like wheat.
  • Changed the textures for carrots and wheat crops.
  • Changed (increased) the chance of villages to have carrots or potatoes slightly to make explorating for them a little less frustrating.
  • Changed (increased) the base growth level of crops in villages to reduce the amount of waiting necessary to be able to harvest the crops.
  • Changed saplings to drop their current growth stage when broken instead of reverting to base.
  • Changed saplings to grow faster when fertilized.
  • Changed saplings to not grow into trees when placed in unfertilized planters. Be careful though, as fertilized saplings may find planters too restrictive for their growing root system.
  • Removed the ability to craft melons into slices by hand, making the saw now the only way to do so. This makes melons less effective as a source of food while travelling by decreasing their efficiency in inventory. Note that seeds may still be obtained without a saw by dropping the melon from a sufficiently high location.
  • Fixed an issue where pumpkins or melons exploding could cause seeds to get stuck in neighboring blocks.

Creative Mode

  • Fixed an issue where farmland returned loose dirt when using pick block.

Addon API

  • Added hooks to define custom tile entity renderers without a base class edit.
  • Added hooks to define valid biomes for biome-specific generators: pumpkins, sugar cane, villages
  • Added hooks to determine whether a particular addon is installed.
  • Added hooks to allow for mutual replacement of blocks and items between addons by allowing one addon to define its replacement as able to override the replacement of another addon.
  • Fixed an issue where addons with no config options defined would display an error to the console.

Version CE 1.1.X

Version CE 1.1.8

October 18th, 2021


  • Changed (increased) the chance of breeding villagers producing a villager of a different profession than the parents.
  • Fixed an issue where TNT exploding could still cause a crash in some instances.
  • Fixed an issue where chopping logs with a stone axe always produced oak bark.

Addon API

  • Added the ability for addons to add custom villagers to existing castes in order to allow addon villagers to be bred from vanilla ones.
  • Added the ability for addons to define their own castes for villager breeding.
  • Fixed an issue where defining villager professions with non-consecutive ids would cause the game to crash when a villager of that profession was created.

Version CE 1.1.7

October 11th, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where falling sand would generate an error on chunk generation.


  • Fixed an issue where comparators had the wrong recipe.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when a platform began moving.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash when a max level villager tried to refresh its trades.

Version CE 1.1.6

October 6th, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where the saw and kiln could output items with 0 stack size.

Version CE 1.1.5

October 4th, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where diamond shears could not be used to cut leather.
  • Fixed an issue where hemp could not be harvested using shears.
  • Fixed an issue where placing a brick in multiplayer would crash the server.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash upon entering the end.
  • Fixed an issue where throwing an egg would crash the game.
  • Fixed an issue where throwing a snowball would crash the game.
  • Fixed an issue where lighting a powder keg would crash the game.
  • Fixed an issue where casting a fishing rod would crash the game.

Creative Mode

  • Fixed an issue where an unimplemented item could be obtained through the creative menu.

Addon API

  • Fixed an issue where addons with no config options defined would display an error to the console.

Version CE 1.1.4

October 2nd, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when throwing a splash potion.

Version CE 1.1.3

October 2nd, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where diamond chisels were unable to split stone into stone bricks.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when trying to spawn a lightning bolt.

Version CE 1.1.2

October 1st, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where clients would crash in multiplayer when more than one person joined the server.

Version CE 1.1.1

September 30th, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when attempting to spill items out from a mod inventory which was broken.

Addon API

  • Changed how reflective constructor calls are handled to be less strict about primitives which can normally be passed as arguments.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash on load when trying to reflectively use a block or item constructor that was not the first constructor defined for that type.

Version CE 1.1.0

September 29th, 2021


  • Refactored the code for the skin fix to be less janky.
  • Removed the config option for skin URLs since it is no longer necessary with the integration of Zhil's skin fix.


  • Added diamond shears, crafted in the same manner as iron shears. Diamond shears do not take durability damage when used in crafting. This and the chisel below use the same id as deco's item, so they will be counted as the same item for those using deco (once deco is updated for CE).
  • Added diamond chisels, crafted with a single diamond ingot. Diamond chisels do not take durability damage when used in crafting.
  • Added the ability to filter wheat through a wicker filter in a hopper to separate out seeds and straw, allowing for automated farming of wheat once again.
  • Added the ability to create chicken feed in a cauldron.
  • Added the ability to apply mortar using a vanilla dispenser facing a block which can accept mortar.
  • Added a config option to disable nausea from grinding netherrack in the millstone.
  • Added a config option to enable hardcore soulmating after the nether has been accessed. If this is enabled, players will always spawn together after dying, regardless of progression.
  • Added the ability to craft the comparator, using the same recipe as the repeater but with a redstone eye in place of the clock, and a third redstone torch above the middle.
  • Added the ability for the comparator to read the contents of the hopper. This replaces the previous functionality where the hopper would output power when full, which has been removed. This also fixes an issue where a full hopper would permanently lock a dispenser placed below it.
  • Changed the redstone eye to be crafted using only a single row of lapis, and moved it to be craftable on a normal crafting table.
  • Changed regular and detector rails to be crafted with 6 iron nuggets instead of ingots. Regular rails now produce 12 instead of 16, while detector rails still produce 6.
  • Changed powered rails to be crafted with 6 iron nuggets for the rails, a stick in the center, and a redstone latch in the bottom center, still producing 6.
  • Changed wolves to be bred using mystery meat, and removed all restrictions on wolves entering breeding mode, including allowing wild wolves to breed.
  • Changed wolves to get extra excited after killing a player.
  • Changed the player to drop less mystery meat from being fat, but increased the minimum slightly (from 1-11 to 2-4).
  • Changed the player to drop rotten flesh when bound to a soulforged steel beacon. The previous behavior was encouraging the player to construct suicide booths in order to obtain large quantities of mystery meat. Sacrificing villagers (preferably with a looting weapon or beacon) is the intended way to do so.
  • Changed (increased) the amount of mystery meat dropped by villagers from 1-2 to 1-3.
  • Changed (increased) the amount of leather dropped by cows from 0-2 to 1-3 to make investing the effort to kill a cow feel a little more rewarding.
  • Changed (increased) the number of feathers dropped by chickens from 0-2 to 1-3. This, along with the arrow change, should hopefully make feathers feel like less of a restrictive resource.
  • Changed arrows to once again craft 4. Arrows felt far too costly to the point of feeling prohibitive, and it was discouraging players from using bows even into late game.
  • Changed the recipe for steel broadheads to produce 2 arrowheads instead of 6 to maintain a similar steel cost for broadhead arrows.
  • Changed the number of items traded for the priest's skull trade and several raw meat trades for the butcher to make them consistent with other similar trades.
  • Changed (reduced) the price of saddles from the butcher.
  • Changed (rebalanced) a few of the outlier librarian trades to be less obnoxious.
  • Changed (reduced) the spawn rate of ghasts in the nether. It is still considerably higher than vanilla, but the old spawn rate would spam ghasts and make tunneling the only viable strategy, which was not particularly enjoyable. The nether will still continue to be quite dangerous, but surface travel will at least be possible now. A config option has been provided for those who wish to maintain the old spawn rate.
  • Changed blaze powder to be crafted by grinding blaze rods in a millstone. Blaze powder may no longer be crafted by hand.
  • Changed vanilla stair recipes to produce 6 instead of 4 to match the stair recipes in BTW.
  • Changed rough stone which has been chiseled beyond the first stage to explode into items when picked up by a block dispenser to fix a stone duplication exploit.
  • Fixed an issue where burning villagers still dropped cooked meat instead of burned.
  • Fixed an issue where sugar cane could be placed inside water.
  • Fixed an issue where endermen would forget their aggro status on reloading the world.

Creative Mode

  • Added water and lava source blocks to the creative menu.
  • Added powered axles to the creative menu. This allows testing mechanical devices without having to worry about constructing something to generate mechanical power.
  • Fixed an issue where jungle spiders were missing spawn eggs.
  • Fixed an issue where villager spawn eggs were missing translation entries.

Addon API

  • Rewrote how entity creation is handled. Entities now must go through EntityList.createEntityOfType() in order to be created, which allows for much smoother entity class replacement for addons.
  • Added hooks to save global data to level.dat.
  • Added the ability to define piston packing recipes which combine multiple items into a single block.
  • Changed recipes for hopper filtering, piston packing, the saw, and the kiln to use crafting managers, allowing recipes to be added or modified without overrides.
  • Changed secondary recipe outputs to store their secondary outputs in the crafting manager when assigned instead of relying on hardcoded info.
  • Changed the kiln cooking overlay to be automatically rendered for blocks which have a kiln recipe so that it no longer needs to be hardcoded in RenderBlockSecondPass()
  • Changed the config file handler to regenerate the config file (with the selected options) every time the game is loaded in order to preserve the options order defined by the addon instead of appending any new options to the end of the file
  • Changed (refactored) block and item replacement to be a bit more robust. There should not be any addon-facing changes, however.

Version CE 1.0.X

Version CE 1.0.1

September 19th, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where MCPatcher's Better Grass did not function, and added a config option to enable it (it is disabled by default).


  • Fixed an issue where endermen aggro was calculated incorrectly and could aggro from behind 2 high walls even without line of sight.
  • Fixed an issue where mining a piston in the same tick as it extended would cause the game to crash.

Addon API

  • Added hooks to define how many babies should spawn when breeding.
  • Fixed an issue where the FCBlockDirectional template was absent.

Version CE 1.0.0

September 9th, 2021


  • Integrated Extended Addon API into BTW. This is detailed further below. Addons using the API will need to update to be compatible.
  • Integrated MCPatcher into BTW.
  • Added a version display on the main menu.
  • Completely rewrote how config files are handled. It is now automatically generated under config/BTW, and the old config file has been deprecated.
  • Removed the config option for minecart changes as it really didn't serve much purpose.
  • Fixed an issue where the tops of grass slabs did not respond properly to custom biome colors using MCPatcher.


  • Added the ability to piston pack ender pearls.
  • Re-enabled the redstone comparator. It is only available in creative mode for now but will be added to survival at a later date.
  • Re-enabled the speed potion effect, although the potions may still not be crafted. This is primarily for addons or custom maps to make use of the effect.
  • Added the ability for the comparator to read the contents of the following blocks: block dispenser, cauldron, crucible, millstone, pulley, and vessel of the dragon. Hoppers have their own detection method right now which will be changed in the future once comparators are available in survival.
  • Added the ability to uncraft windmills back into sails.
  • Changed dirt, grass, and mycelium slabs to turn into loose slabs when their anchor block is lost instead of exploding into items.
  • Changed flowers to be crushed by falling blocks to fix an exploit where they could be used to mine dirt in the early game.
  • Fixed an issue where baby animals would prioritize following adults over eating and could starve to death if they could not reach any nearby adult they were trying to path to.
  • Fixed an issue where baby animals would try to path up jumps too tall for them and get stuck jumping continuously. This doesn't catch all possible edge cases but will catch the majority the player is likely to encounter through normal gameplay. Specifically, if the block has a top surface you can stick things to, babies will not try to path up it. If the block does not have such a top surface but is still more than half a block tall (such as the back side of stairs), the baby will still attempt to path up it. However, this is unlikely to occur unless the player purposefully creates such a scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where wolves were unable to be bred. They may now be bred using kibble, but must be hand fed and at full health and hunger (this is what the behavior was before the bug was introduced). This behavior, however, is a placeholder and will be changed in a future release.
  • Fixed (theoretically) a bug where players would become invisible to each other when they left each other's loaded chunks in multiplayer. The fix for this was rather hacky, so let me know if anyone still has this bug occur for them.
  • Fixed an issue where villager trade weighting was not being applied evenly and was incorrectly biased towards some trades.
  • Fixed a vanilla issue where slimes could spawn inside of blocks when splitting, resulting in suffocation or them escaping through walls.
  • Fixed an issue where skins would not show up due to an API change from Mojang. This replaces the need for Zhil's skin fix.

Creative Mode

  • Added creative mode as an officially supported gamemode. Bug reports and feedback about creative mode are now welcome.
  • Added villager spawn eggs for each profession as a result of the below villager change in the API section.
  • Changed the creative menu tabs for tuning forks, metal fragments, and bone fish hooks to be more appropriate.
  • Removed limitations imposed on creative mode for the following mechanics: possessed cows birthing mutants, wolves converting to beasts, villages spawning zombies, villagers gaining xp, beacon effects, arcane scroll drops, and ender pearls (this was actually vanilla but has been changed for consistency with modern versions of vanilla).
  • Fixed an issue where several blocks or items were not present in the creative inventory: vessel of the dragon, detector block, chainmail armor, mail item, crude torch, unlit torch, bloody chopping block, blight, soul sand planter, and farmland (since it can no longer be created in creative mode given the hoe changes). Subblocks will be added eventually but require more work than just adding them to the menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the technical block glowing detector logic displayed in the creative inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where several blocks gave the wrong result when using pick block: white stone, blight, stone bricks, and wooden sub-blocks.
  • Fixed an issue where gamerule doFireTick did not properly disable fire.
  • Fixed an issue where equipment defined by custom mob spawners was not being applied to mobs spawned from the spawner.

Addon API

Most changes are equivalent to Extended Addon API 1.1.4. Those which are not are either new features, or the differences are specified further in the changelog:

  • Added a directional template block like logs which can support up to 4 subtypes.
  • Added the ability for addons to add villager professions by splitting professions into their own classes and removing a lot of the hardcoded methods related to trades.
  • Added hooks to add and modify villager trades.
  • Added hooks to play special effects on level up or when certain trades are performed.
  • Added hooks for automatic version checking.
  • Added hooks to be able to replace references to existing blocks and items.
  • Added hooks to define custom item entities.
  • Added hooks to replace custom entities.
  • Added hooks for addons to intercept existing client packets to change their behavior.
  • Added hooks to define a block's map color per metadata, and optimized map rendering to be more memory-efficient.
  • Added hooks to allow an addon to save data as a part of the world file. This data is saved uniquely per dimension.
  • Added hooks to allow addons to generate and process config files.
  • Added hooks to define custom criteria for mobs spawning during world gen.
  • Fixed an issue where trying to remove a cauldron or crucible recipe with fewer outputs than inputs would cause the game to crash on load.
  • Fixed a vanilla issue where trying to spawn an entity with an ID above 255 in multiplayer would crash all nearby clients.

Changes from API 1.1.4:

  • Changed the name of AddonBlockDirectional to FCBlockDirectional.
  • Chnaged how the hooks for defining villager trades work to no longer be hardcoded to the class. All trades are handled through method calls which add them to the appropriate list. Invalid trades are also handled automatically now so hooks for determining if a trade is invalid have been removed.
  • Changed version checking to be done in their own methods instead of the generic handler methods. This should not matter for addons unless they implement custom version checking.
  • Removed AddonExt. All addon functionality has been moved into FCAddon. No change should be necessary except changing the superclass of addons back to FCAddOn for any which were using the API.
  • Removed the server acknowledgement check from addons as it was not functioning properly in some cases (and could spam clients with chat messages). This will be re-introduced at a later date in a better form.
  • Fixed an issue where breeding villagers always produced farmers.
  • Fixed an issue where villager trade lists were still using 4.B0000002 trades and not the updated versions.
  • Fixed an issue where butchers put on their breeding harness a level too early.
  • Fixed an issue where replacing entity mappings did not work for spawnable mobs.

Versions before CE

Version 4.A - 4.B Changelog

Version 4.0 - 4.9 Changelog

Version 3.0 Changelog

Version 2.0 Changelog

Version 1.0 Changelog