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The moon, showing its phases (viewed as it sets on the western sky).

The Moon is a prominent feature of the night sky. It is a large bright square on the celestial sphere that sits opposite the sun, illuminating the world at a much lower light level that (usually) fends off gloom, but does not prevent hostile mobs.

The moon progresses through its phases at a far quicker rate than its real-life counterpart. Every day has a distinct phase, and a full cycle is completed every 8 days. Over the course of this time period, the nights get progressively darker and then brighter again as a shadow creeps across the moon's surface from north to south. It is prudent to keep track of the phase of the moon at all times, as it has a number of effects on the world:

Phase Full
Moon Phase Full.png
Moon Phase Gibbous.png
Moon Phase Quarter.png
Moon Phase Crescent.png
Moon Phase New.png
Light level 7 6 5 4 Absolute
Fishing rate
(compared to day)
Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced
Slime spawns Most Fewest None

Interaction with Hardcore Spawn

The first night in any new world will always be a full moon. However, the same is not true for Hardcore Spawns that relocate the player; these merely 'advance time to the immediate next morning, and as a result, even your first night after a respawn can be a new moon. A notable effect is that, if you died during the day, then one phase of the moon will appear to be skipped (since time was fast-forwarded through the following night).


  • Wolves howl more frequently on a Full Moon.
  • One can tell apart a waxing moon from a waning moon by observing the side of the shadow, which creeps from north to south along the moon's surface.
  • Though the composition of the moon is a hotly-debated topic, most can agree that it is probably not safe to eat.