Formatting Codes

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A book showing the possible formatting options with the letter that performs them.

Text in Minecraft can be formatted with the section sign (§).

Color codes

Hex digit to color mapping. Use § followed by the corresponding color letter/number; e.g. §a will give you green.

Messages sent from the server to the client can contain color codes, which allow coloring of text for various purposes.

A section sign (§) followed by a hex digit in the message tells the client to switch colors while displaying text.

Sample Code In-game Name Foreground Color Background Color
§0 Black 0 0 0 #000000 0 0 0 #000000
§1 Dark Blue 0 0 170 #0000AA 0 0 42 #00002A
§2 Dark Green 0 170 0 #00AA00 0 42 0 #002A00
§3 Dark Aqua 0 170 170 #00AAAA 0 42 42 #002A2A
§4 Dark Red 170 0 0 #AA0000 42 0 0 #2A0000
§5 Purple 170 0 170 #AA00AA 42 0 42 #2A002A
§6 Gold 255 170 0 #FFAA00 42 42 0 #2A2A00
§7 Gray 170 170 170 #AAAAAA 42 42 42 #2A2A2A
§8 Dark Gray 85 85 85 #555555 21 21 21 #151515
§9 Blue 85 85 255 #5555FF 21 21 63 #15153F
§a Green 85 255 85 #55FF55 21 63 21 #153F15
§b Aqua 85 255 255 #55FFFF 21 63 63 #153F3F
§c Red 255 85 85 #FF5555 63 21 21 #3F1515
§d Light Purple 255 85 255 #FF55FF 63 21 63 #3F153F
§e Yellow 255 255 85 #FFFF55 63 63 21 #3F3F15
§f White 255 255 255 #FFFFFF 63 63 63 #3F3F3F

Formatting codes

Text can also be formatted using the § symbol followed by a letter.

To make § on Windows with most US/UK English keyboards type Alt+21(MUST use the Number Pad). On a Mac US keyboard, Template:Unicode Option+6. On Linux with the compose key activated, type Compose, s, o.

If a color code is used after a formatting code, the formatting code will be disabled beyond the color code point. For example, §cX§nY displays as XY, whereas §nX§cY displays as XY. Therefore, when using a color code in tandem with a formatting code, ensure the color code is used first and reuse the formatting code when changing colors.

§r can be used to reset all texts format beyond it, e.g. §nXXX§rYYY displays as XXXYYY

Code Official Name
§k Obfuscated
§l Bold
§m Strikethrough
§n Underline
§o Italic
§r Reset

Note: The random characters placed after §k will always be the same width as the original characters, except if using [ and ]. For example, any random character cycled through where the letter "m" would be wide characters while any random character in the spot an "i" would be narrow characters.

Example Text

The following text can be pasted into a Book and Quill to produce what is shown in the picture at the top:

§nMinecraft Formatting

§r§00 §11 §22 §33
§44 §55 §66 §77
§88 §99 §aa §bb
§cc §dd §ee §ff

§r§0k §kMinecraft
§rl §lMinecraft
§rm §mMinecraft
§rn §nMinecraft
§ro §oMinecraft
§rr §rMinecraft

Use in

Formatting codes can be used in the motd line in a file, but the section signs must be escaped as \u00A7. If a section sign is entered directly, the server will replace it with \u00C2\u00A7 (§); clients will display the \u00C2 character as a question mark.