Jungle Temple

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Jungle Temples are generated structures primarily made of Cobblestone and Moss Stone that occur naturally in Jungles. Due to their prominent similarities, Jungle Temples could be conceived as the equivalent to Desert Temples. For example, they both include traps and hidden Chests.


Jungle Temples mostly consist of Cobblestone and Moss Stone. There are a small number of chiseled stone bricks, blocks that could not be legitimately obtained in Survival mode before Jungle Temples were implemented. There are three floors; on the bottom floor, there is a room with a puzzle (three Levers connected to some Sticky Pistons). Solving the puzzle will open a secret door (piston door) with a Chest behind it filled with loot. The loot can be valuable or useless, as the items are selected randomly from a list. Emeralds may be found in this chest, similar to Desert Temples. Down the hall from the Levers, there is Tripwire connected to a Dispenser filled with Arrows. Farther down the hall there is a chest. In front of the chest is another Tripwire connected to another arrow-shooting Dispenser. Both Dispensers are covered in Vines, making them hard to see. The Dispensers each contain between 8 and 14 arrows, however, there have been reports of the arrow count being as low as 4 or as high as 16. There is a chest covered in vines here, but this chest doesn't usually contain valuable items, as it is exposed to where you can open it without passing the line of the Tripwire.


A reconstruction of the puzzle mechanism found in Jungle Temples. The Lapis Lazuli Block represents the hidden door.

When attempting to access the chest, the player must take care not to step on the Tripwire in the middle of the hall. Though looking like mossy cobblestone, hidden behind some vines is a Dispenser filled with arrows. The Dispenser will fire when the Tripwire is stepped on or broken without Shears.

The solution to the puzzle depends on which side of the staircase the Levers are located. To guarantee the door will open, use the following succession:

If possible, it is recommended that the player takes the arrows from the Dispenser, as they may be used to remake a trap or be fired later.

Alternatively, breaking through the walls with a pickaxe is an effective method of bypassing the puzzle and taking the loot.


Jungle Temple/video


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  • When a tree generates next to a Jungle Temple, there is a slight chance that it may replace vital parts of mechanics inside, such as Sticky Pistons or Redstone Wire.
  • Very rarely, a Desert Temple might generate in place of a Jungle Temple.
  • Jungle Temples might spawn in the air. (very rare)


See also


