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This template creates a row of icons for the six hopper filters with some of them grayed out, intended for use to show which filters an item can pass through:

Code Result
Grid Ladders.png Grid Iron Bars.png Grid Trapdoor.png Grid Grate.png Grid Slats.png Grid Wicker Pane.png

Grid Ladders.png Grid Iron Bars.png Grid Trapdoor.png Grid Grate.png Grid Slats.png Grid Wicker Pane.png

Grid Ladders.png Grid Iron Bars.png Grid Trapdoor.png Grid Grate.png Grid Slats.png Grid Wicker Pane.png

Grid Ladders.png Grid Iron Bars.png Grid Trapdoor.png Grid Grate.png Grid Slats.png Grid Wicker Pane.png

Takes a single argument where each character indicates whether the corresponding icon is grayed out or not in left-to-right order; o means that it will not be grayed out while any other character means that it will.