Piston Packing

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Revision as of 14:27, 26 August 2014 by Thekyz (talk | contribs) (Added basic page with info from Flowerchild's changelog)
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  • Added Hardcore Packing as a new mechanic. The way this works is that if a piston (or a solid block pushed by a piston) pushes certain items into an enclosed space (an empty block surrounded on all sides by solid blocks. It doesn't work on partial blocks with solid surfaces at present, although I may add that in the future), the items will be automatically compressed into block form if they're present in sufficient number to complete the regular recipe (e.g. 4 clay balls for a clay block, 9 Dung for a Dung block). This applies to clay balls, snowballs, flint, bricks, Nether Bricks, Soap, Dung, and the various piles (dirt, sand, gravel, & soul sand). In other words, it basically works to form any simple storage block for items that wouldn't require additional work or tools in their crafting (like Padding or Iron blocks). This is of course very useful in automation builds.
  • Added the ability to Hardcore Pack blocks using any surrounding solid surface, not just full blocks. In other words, if they are facing the right way, you can now use stuff like Siding, slabs, and other pistons to contain the area where the items will be packed. Worth noting is that glass also works (it did in the previous release but I forgot to mention it), which is nice if you want to be able to see the interior of the packing area. This should function with most suitable blocks, but I may have missed some so let me know if you come across any that don't work