Chopping Block

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Chopping Block




Yes (64)



First Appearance








Data Value


Chopping Blocks are an aesthetic block that can also be used in mob traps to increase the damage saws cause. The "Bloodied" version of the block, which is acquired when a mob's "blood" (particle effects that are cast off when a mob takes damage) land on a clean chopping block.

A Chopping Block is required to level up the Blacksmith, so it is advised to collect at least one if you stumble upon a Jungle Temple.


Name Ingredients Input » Output
Chopping Block Stone Brick
Grid layout Arrow Anvil (small).png
Chopping Block
Stone Brick Brick Stone Strata2 Brick Stone Strata3
Stone Brick Brick Stone Strata2 Brick Stone Strata3
Stone Brick Brick Stone Strata2 Brick Stone Strata3
Stone Brick Brick Stone Strata2 Brick Stone Strata3
Stone Brick Brick Stone Strata2 Brick Stone Strata3
Stone Brick Brick Stone Strata2 Brick Stone Strata3
Stone Brick Brick Stone Strata2 Brick Stone Strata3
Stone Brick Brick Stone Strata2 Brick Stone Strata3


While completely optional, chopping blocks increase the chance that mobs capable of dropping skulls will in fact do so upon death when killed with saws while being suffocated by a chopping block (bloodied or clean). Creepers, Skeletons, Zombies and Withers fall into this category. This can be handy in the case of skeletons, due to the fact that their skulls can be ground down into more bonemeal.

Keep in Mind

Chopping blocks are one of the few non-wooden blocks that, when placed upon the cutting surface of a saw, will not break the saw.

See Also