Blood Wood Tree

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A Blood Wood Tree (or an Infestree) is a type of tree that does not generate normally - it must be created by the player. It grows in the Nether on Soulsand from a Blood Wood Sapling. The area for the tree must be large enough, like normal trees. The tree is made of Blood Wood and Blood Wood Leaves. It is very useful for purposes of automating Soul Urns - the Blood Wood can be cut into Soul Dust, to fill Urns with souls.

A blood wood tree, just planted.
A blood wood tree that has grown another branch on the left.

The blood wood tree does not stop growing like regular trees - it will continue growing until it has no room. If it's placed in the Nether, without containment it can fill the entire place.

Setting the tree on fire doesn't necessarily stop it and in many cases can actually speed up the growth - when its leaves burn, they have a chance of becoming saplings, which fall and plant themselves on soulsand, thus creating new trees. It is highly recommended to only grow the tree in a secure place, at least 2 blocks thick. A tree can only grow to the sides and upwards. It grows using branches - a Blood Wood log is created, surrounded by leaves.