3.0.0 Beta

From Better Than Wolves Wiki
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For the 3.0 release of BTW, we decided a longer period of beta testing is needed. It moves us to Minecraft 1.6.4, and there are going to be lots and lots of bugs. These betas are not intended for permanent worlds and might brick your world at any point.

How to get it

How to install it

Change Log

Version CE 3.0.0 Beta 1.0


  • Updated the mod to version 1.6.4 of Minecraft. Massive thanks to Arminias for tackling the low level technical work, without him this update would not have been possible.
  • Integrated EMI into Better than Wolves. Thanks to EmilyPlosaj for creating EMI, unascribed for porting EMI to older versions, and TheWinABagel for making it all work with BTW!
  • Added several information pages to blocks and items through EMI. This is the start of a general effort to bring in game documentation to the mod.



  • Changed the create world screen to add information about how the default survival mode works in BTW.
  • Removed the option of playing on permadeath, given that the warning in the config clearly wasn't enough to deter new players. It has never been a supported mode, and it detracts from the intended gameplay loop of Better than Wolves of dying and returning to spawn in order to build up the world over time. Note that the code for the mode is still in place, so addons may re-add the option without much effort, but it does not fit the main mod.
  • Increased the drop rate of hemp seeds from grass blocks in order to reduce tedium, and increase the viable size of a starting hemp farm, to cut back on a little bit of the grind for hemp.
  • Removed the ender spectacles blur while wearing them. The texture didn't work too well after being adjusted for accessibility, and they already have the downside of taking up an armor slot, along with low durability.
  • Changed grass blocks to never loosen when nearby dirt is dug. This mechanic really only served to significantly limit viable early game shelter locations to places with 4 deep soil. Regular dirt remains unaffected by this change.
  • Changed secondary crafting recipes to insert items directly into the player's inventory when possible instead of always spilling them on the ground. Items will still be spilled onto the ground if there is no space in the player's inventory.
  • Changed the output of the bow uncrafting recipe to display the string as the primary output instead of the stick, given that the string is the far more important item.
  • Changed baskets to add items directly to the player's inventory if possible, instead of always ejecting.
  • Changed hampers to have 9 inventory slots, rather than 4. This is the first part of a larger pass at storage.
  • Changed glass to be made from sand alone in a crucible again, no longer requiring quartz. The primary reason for the recipe being changed originally was because glass provided a cheap non-spawnable block. However, the mod has since overhauled mob spawning mechanics making that no longer true, so the recipe then only served to hurt aesthetic building.
  • Added the ability to enchant iron chisels and shears.
  • Added mushroom islands to the list of blacklisted biomes for hardcore spawn.

1.6 Update:

  • Reverted the vanilla nerf in 1.6 to health and regen potions in order to preserve the value of potions.
  • Changed the visibility improvement from respiration added by vanilla to cap at respiration 3 to avoid causing issues with higher enchantment levels available in BTW. (FriedYeti)
  • Added thatch blocks made from packing 9 straw.
  • Changed hay bales to only be made through piston packing.
  • Changed leads to be crafted with rope and hemp fibers.
  • Increased the flammability of coal blocks significantly over that of vanilla.
  • Added charcoal and nethercoal blocks. Nethercoal blocks burn infinitely to any side like concentrated hellfire.
  • Rebalanced the loot found in nether fortress chests which were added by vanilla to better fit the mod.


  • Removed the invulnerability on login in singleplayer. This behavior still remains in multiplayer as it serves a legitimate purpose in that your player character can join the server before you technically have control, but was being used primarily for exploits in singleplayer. (Arminias)
  • Changed how explosions from creepers are calculated in order to fix an exploit where their explosions could be blocked by placing a single block at their feet. (Arminias)
  • Changed mobs to not drop items when they die by suffocation.
  • Changed neutral mobs like wolves and zombie pigmen to anger nearby allies when taking suffocation damage.
  • Changed the chopping block to no longer count as a solid block for the purpose of suffocation.
  • Changed animals to panic after being pushed too much, unless they are attached to leads.
  • Fixed an issue where arrow components could be duplicated in a stoked cauldron.
  • Fixed an issue where beds could drop items twice. (Arminias)


  • Changed armor, armor weight, and hunger consumption from armor to be attributes. As such, they will now be visible in armor tooltips.
  • Changed how knockback resistance works to match modern vanilla, in that it now reduces knockback by a set percent instead of having a chance of negating knockback entirely.
  • Added knockback resistance to soulforged steel armor.
  • Reduced the weight of chain armor slightly (from 13 down to 10) in order to better encourage its use. A full set of chain armor now no longer causes the player to sink in water.
  • Changed armor weight to cause the player to sink in water when they are over 10 armor weight, instead of starting at 10.
  • Removed the heavy footstep sounds while wearing soulforged steel boots as it was annoying in practice.
  • Fixed an issue where the weight of the diamond helmet did not reflect its recipe. Its weight has been increased from 5 to 6.


  • Reduced the light level provided by redstone blocks. They will remain viable as early base lighting, but will require a bit more investment to build animal pens with redstone blocks. Please note that animal pens that were previously safe may not be after this change, make sure to check their lighting.
  • Changed animals to only follow the player when holding a breeding item (and ready to breed), instead of any food item. This was done alongside the village abandonment change below to remove the last advantage that could be gained from spawning next to a populated village, and because leads make tempting largely obsolete.
  • Added cheval as a meat drop from horses. Cheval may be used in place of steak for recipes.
  • Changed horses to kick like cows.
  • Changed horses to require food like other animals.
  • Changed horses to be bred with cake, like cows. This in a placeholder and will be changed in a future release.
  • Removed the ability to tame and ride horses. This functionality will be restored in a future release.
  • Removed randomized attributes. This may or may not be re-enabled in the future.
  • Added the ability to craft saddles from leather and rope.
  • Added the ability to craft horse armor.


  • Increased the chance of food poisoning from raw food. It is meant to be only a chance so that gambling by eating raw food can occasionally save your life, but the chance was low enough that players were able to eat raw food without much consideration.
  • Decreased the food value of chowder from 2.5 to 2 shanks. Chowder was far too dominant and potent as a food source for how easy it is to obtain and how early it is available. This should keep it a viable option in early mid game, but now with a bit more encouragement to move on to more effective sources of food.
  • Increased the food value of tasty sandwiches from 2.5 to 3 shanks. This was nerfed a very long time ago due to much the same reason as the above chowder nerf. However, wheat has since become more difficult to farm, and bread has similarly become more difficult to make, so I feel it is appropriate to buff sandwiches slightly.
  • Changed bread dough to be made with only 2 flour instead of 3, and re-added the water to the recipe in the form of either a bucket of water or a water bottle.
  • Changed the cistern to keep its water level when filling bottles, in order to facilitate the above bread recipe change, as well as make potion brewing slightly more convenient.
  • Removed the ability to create hearty stew from chicken in order to incentivize farming other animals with slightly more involved processes.


  • Removed abandoned villages and looted temples. These were originally added to remove the benefit of spawning next to villages for a huge food source, or for the very powerful loot which could be found inside temples. However, with the changes to make villagers spawn as zombies, the reworks to farming, and the rebalancing of temple loot, abandoned structures have served much less of a purpose than they used to in the past. Additionally, FC's plans of having players build a second base at a village for trading never worked, and so this will make bringing villagers home much more feasible.
  • Changed crop fields to spawn with fewer crops in each (much like partially abandoned villages).
  • Increased the chance of villages having carrots or potatoes.
  • Removed the anvil from the blacksmith.
  • Changed blacksmiths to spawn with a single oven instead of two.
  • Rebalanced the loot found in blacksmiths, and changed it to spawn as a hamper instead of a chest.
  • Changed arcane scroll trades to always be available, and reduced the cost across the board. They should still cost enough to be an investment, without being quite so prohibitively expensive.
  • Changed the librarian to sell soulforge-based tech (at level 2) instead of buying it. It always felt disappointing that soulforge tech was available only after it was most desired during villager trading. This allows some limited access to soulforge tech, without devaluing the soulforge itself.
  • Changed the soulforge conversion trade to be done by the librarian instead of the priest in order to preserve the wither as a requirement to fully level a librarian. Soulforge conversion is now required to level the librarian from level 3 to 4, then is available at any time after that.
  • Changed the rare mob drop trades for the librarian to level 4, after the soulforge trade, in order to extend the amount of time between killing the wither and dragon slightly, as the two boss kills felt rather compressed before.
  • Changed the librarian to sell bookshelves instead of buying them. This provides a renewable source for obtaining bookshelves.
  • Reduced the cost of purchasing equipment from the blacksmith, and reduced the weighting of equipment trades.
  • Changed the blacksmith to sell chain armor earlier, to allow the player to access it pre-soulforge, for a price.
  • Changed the candle trade for the priest to only ask for primary dyes which do not require mixing in order to reduce inventory clutter, and moved it to level 4 as level 4 was still rather lacking in trades.
  • Changed the butcher to buy cooked meat instead of raw, in order to prevent circumstances where the player has the right type of meat but already cooked it and thus could not trade it.
  • Changed the butcher and farmer to sell food less often, and in reduced amounts, in order to reduce the state of villagers as a horn of plenty.
  • Changed the butcher to buy saddles rather than sell them.
  • Changed the farmer to always sell mycelium at level 5.
  • Changed various other trades in minor ways.
  • Added the ability to breed villagers using diamond ingots as well as normal diamonds in order to make mystery meat (and by extension wolf chops) fully renewable.
  • Changed zombies to always convert villagers back into zombies instead of just a high chance.
  • Changed zombie villagers to stay near their homes instead of wandering off.


  • Updated all textures in the game to match modern vanilla textures. Some new mod textures are provided under EUPL v1.2 to comply with the license of their source. See the included credits.txt for a list of textures affected.
  • Added an official programmer art resource pack for those who prefer the old textures. For now this is provided separately, in a future update this will show as a built in resource pack.
  • Renamed all mod textures.
  • Removed many unnecessary duplicate textures.
  • Added a new title screen logo. Thanks to Sockthing for designing it!
  • Changed work stumps to have unique top textures per type.
  • Changed mystery meat and wolf chops to have unique textures.


  • Revamped many of the mod's sounds using sounds from modern vanilla. Notable changes are listed individually below.
  • Added squid sounds.
  • Changed witch sounds.
  • Changed sounds for things you shouldn't worry about.
  • Changed many block and item sounds.


  • Fixed an issue where low health and hunger affecting the ability to swim ignored changes to status effects from difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue where the check for a valid fishing spot was being performed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a typo in the name of venom sac (it was previously called venom sack).
  • Fixed an issue where walls added by the mod were called fences.
  • Fixed an issue where soul sand piles could only detect a nether fortress which had already generated. Soul sand piles should now always be able to find the nearest fortress, regardless of how far away it is. (Arminias)
  • Fixed an issue where second and third strata stone subblocks used fences instead of walls.
  • Fixed an issue where possession would not progress while in creative mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would stay sped up for a short time after waking up from a bed. (Arminias)
  • Fixed an issue where the player did not heal while sleeping in a normal bed. (Arminias)
  • Fixed an issue where campfires only started fires on top of netherrack and not other infinitely burning blocks (like concentrated hellfire).
  • Fixed an issue where the better grass option was rendering full grass sides incorrectly. (Hiracho)
  • Fixed an issue where sending a 1 tick pulse to a piston to push a tile entity deleted its data. (Hiracho, zero318)
  • Fixed an issue where pistons pushing chests could form triple chests. (Hiracho, zero318)
  • Fixed an issue where the player would be kicked due to an illegal stance when dying while crouching. (zero318)
  • Fixed an issue where vsync did not function correctly. (Arminias)

Addon API

  • Flattened BTW subclass overrides into class edits. This means that BTW versions of vanilla blocks, items, and entities have been removed, and behavior is now changed through edits instead.
  • Changed addons to be loaded through the standard fabric loader instead of a custom loader. Addon information, such as name, version, etc. are now loaded from fabric config files instead of from the addon constructor. (Cocona20xx)
  • Removed mod prefixes, instead favoring fabric mod id.
  • Changed addon lookup methods to use mod id instead of display name.
  • Added a ForkableRandom class, which allows for forking an existing random object without affecting the original object. (Zhil, Arminias)
  • Added hooks to generate loot in any type of container in structures. (Hiracho)
  • Added hooks to determine block-specific endermen behavior (e.g. which blocks can be picked up) in the block class itself instead of being hardcoded in the endermam class.
  • Moved color functionality to its own package instead of being scattered.
  • Moved beacon effect handling into its own class separate from the beacon tile entity itself.
  • Added hooks to specify whether an item should apply attributes or not when held and when worn.
  • Added hooks to allow attribute modifiers on items to display as descriptor strings instead of always displaying raw values.
  • Added hooks to the difficulty system to allow for re-enabling abandoned structures.
  • Completely rewrote how villager trades are defined in order to clean up the related code.
  • Changed assets and language files to be loaded from the addon namespace. Language files no longer have a prefix for the addon, and are simply called the same thing as the base language, but in the addon's namespace.
  • Removed deprecated hooks for replacing blocks, items, and entities, as these have been superseded by mixins.