Companion Cube

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With advanced artificial intelligence that prevents it from running off cliffs (or pushing you over them), the Companion Cube is the ultimate virtual pet! While it doesn't require food or water, it loves to be placed, and will definitely appreciate the occasional pat on the head or a bit of sympathy now and again. Always supportive, and without a complaint, be sure to take the Companion Cube wherever you roam!


The Companion Cube can be made by having a block dispenser suck in a wolf. A demonstration video is made by MrMCRaider


  • building block
  • fondle
  • can be put into a Mill Stone to get red wool (red dye as of 2.82) and string during the grinding process, and a wolf chop after it has finished grinding.
  • can be cut in half with a saw to produce two Companion Slabs.

Demonstration Video

Can be found in several of FlowerChild's Youtube videos