Foul food

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Revision as of 05:42, 19 July 2011 by Petrus4 (talk | contribs) (Keep in Mind)
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This is what happens to food when you dump Dung into a Cauldron with it. It is totally non-edible but may still be used as fertilizer, in the same way that Bone Meal can.

How to get

Put food with Dung into a Cauldron.


  • Can be used as fertilizer like Bone Meal

Keep in Mind

  • It is not edible
  • Although the Block Dispenser cannot apply Foul Food as a fertiliser to trees or plants automatically, (as part of automated farming) this can be done if Better than Wolves is used with the Toggle Blocks mod.
  • Producing Foul Food by using Dung with milled Flour in the Hibachi, is an extremely efficient form of fertiliser production, because it does not necessitate either combat with Skeletons, or building a mob trap to grind them.