Hardcore Bone

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Revision as of 12:56, 4 September 2012 by Shifty (talk | contribs) (Added some hemp info)
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The Hardcore Bone game mode is an alteration of Bonemeal's mechanics. Under Hardcore Bone, Bonemeal fertilizes soil it is applied to, passively accelerating plant growth, which proceeds through all of its natural stages. This is in contrast to its vanilla behaviour of making plants it's used on mature instantly. As a result of these changes bonemeal no longer can be used to insta-grow trees or long grass and flowers when used on dirt blocks.


This section requires expansion.


When bonemeal is applied to hydrated farmland, wheat growth is accelerated. It also appears to be more uniform than vanilla growth, and also less dependent on whether surrounding blocks are also growing wheat or not. The image below shows two rows of wheat planted at the same time and under symmetrical conditions. The front row's soil received bonemeal treatment before planting. You can observe that at the intermediate growth stage shown, average front row growth is more advanced. Furthermore, the growth appears more uniform in comparison to the control row.

"Wheat in intermediate stages of growth. Front row has received bonemeal. Both rows were planted at the same time.


When bonemeal is applied to hydrated farmland, hemp growth is accelerated. However, this will only apply for the first 8 stages of growth i.e. one block high fully matured, at this point the dirt block will become unfertilised and growth will continue at a normal pace.