MCPatcher Installation

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[[File:File:Example.jpg[[File:File:Example.jpg]]]]MCPatcher is a small program that lets you easily install minecraft mods as well as patching the game to allow HD texture packs.

What you'll need

To install BTW using MCPatcher you will need the following:

  • The latest version of MCPatcher found here.
  • The latest version of ModLoader found here.
  • The latest version of Better Than Wolves found here.

You do not need to extract ModLoader or BTW from their zip files


1) BTW should be installed in a clean version of Minecraft (i.e. no other mods are installed). To do this follow these steps:

  • Open Minecraft
  • Click 'Options'
  • Click 'Force Update'
  • Click 'Done'
  • Login

Minecraft will then download a clean version of all the necessary files, once it has finished you will see the title screen. Quit Minecraft.

2) Find where you downloaded MCPatcher and open it. If Minecraft is installed in the default location you should see the following (Note that your minecraft version may be different to the one shown below): Image

3) Next you want to add ModLoader to the list of Mods

  • Click the 'Plus'
  • Navigate to where you downloaded
  • Select
  • Click 'Open'
  • A window called 'Add external mod' will appear
  • Click 'Ok'

You should now see the following: image

4) Next you want to add BTW to the list of Mods. The procedure is the same as above but with an extra step.

  • Click the 'Plus'
  • Navigate to where you downloaded (x-xx is replaced by the latest version number of BTW )
  • Select
  • Click 'Open'
  • A window called 'Select folder to add to minecraft.jar' will appear
  • Select 'MINECRAFT-JAR'
  • Click 'Ok'
  • A window called 'Add external mod' will appear
  • Click 'Ok'

You should now see the following: image

5) Next we need to reorder the mods (ModLoader should always be installed before BTW).

  • In MCPatcher select
  • Click the down arrow

You should now see the following: image

6) The last step is to patch the game.

  • Click 'Patch'
  • A window called 'Mod conflict detected' will appear
  • Click 'Yes' to continue patching
  • Once it has finished patching you can close MCPatcher

Better Than Wolves is now installed and ready to play!