
From Better Than Wolves Wiki
Revision as of 16:48, 1 July 2011 by Battosay (talk | contribs) (added tutorial for an auto hemp farm)
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Hemp is used as the basis of the wood age's appliances. It can be ground into Hemp Fibers using a Mill Stone, and those fibers can then be fashioned into rope.

Requirements and Restrictions

  • does not react to bone meal
  • needs a strong light source
  • needs hydrated soil
  • Animals or the player may trample it

How to get Seeds

Hemp seeds can be found by using a hoe on grass, although there is a very small chance that tall grass will also drop hemp seeds. The rate at which Hemp seeds appear when hoeing grass or tall grass is also affected by the quality of hoe that you use (i.e. using a diamond hoe will produce far more seeds than using a wooden one).


Hemp will grow up to two blocks high. The first block will take a lot longer to grow than the second so farming only the second will increase the output and remove the need to replant.

The whole farming process can be automated using the Detector Block and the Block Dispenser or Saws. <youtube v="cTOjSQeLx2I" />

Keep in Mind

  • It will never ever be smokeable.
  • It will not react to bone meal
  • It will only grow if it is planted in irrigated soil and has a direct light access of 15. Daylight, Fire, Glowstone, Lava, Jack O' Lantern and Powered Light Block provide the needed amount of light.
  • Any other mod that overrides the hoe class will cause no seed drops from grass blocks, however tall grass will still produce seeds.
  • Any unmet requirement will destroy the plant over time.

Demonstration Video

<youtube v="HNgXYMf6VSo" />