Diamond Armor

From Better Than Wolves Wiki
Revision as of 22:26, 17 February 2024 by Jaglekon (talk | contribs) (Fixed the diamond helmet recipe)
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Name Ingredients Input » Output Name Ingredients Input » Output
Diamond Helmet Diamond Ingot,

Diamond Armor Plate

Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Diamond Helmet
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Armor Plate
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Chestplate Diamond Ingot,

Diamond Armor Plate

Diamond Armor Plate
Diamond Armor Plate
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Diamond Chestplate
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Leggings Diamond Ingot,

Diamond Armor Plate

Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Diamond Leggings
Diamond Armor Plate
Diamond Armor Plate
Diamond Armor Plate
Diamond Armor Plate
Diamond Boots Diamond Ingot
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Diamond Boots
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot
Diamond Ingot