Large Biomes

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Large Biomes is a gametype that is unsupported by FlowerChild, however it will increase HCS and Abandoned Structure generation 4x the distance.

File:Large normal comparison.png
Comparison between large and normal. The red dot is the origin of the world. Both worlds have the same seed. The red squares present the same geography, clearly scaled up in the large biomes world.

Large Biomes is a World Type that causes the biomes of the Overworld to be expansive. This is the third World Type option available to the player, the others being Default and Superflat. The player can use a map to gain a visual representation of the scale of the biomes in their world.

Large Biome worlds are generated as Default worlds, but 16x bigger. A Default and Large Biome world sharing the same seed will be the same overall geographically, but the Large Biomes world will be approximately 16 times bigger, with the x and z axis multiplied by 4.

In order to create a world with large biomes in SMP, the level-type flag in must be "LARGEBIOMES", instead of "DEFAULT".


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Large Biomes/video

