Change log 1.0

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Version 1.87

May 14, 2011

  • Added ability for player to retract rope from an anchor, by right clicking on it with anything other than a rope in his hand (Thanks to Thalmane for suggesting this!)
  • Added ability for Mill Stone to convert wool blocks into string.
  • Added ability for Mill Stone to "process" Companion Cubes.
  • Added custom Donut icon (thanks to Craftineer for the texture!)
  • Companion cubes now show their appreciation for being put out of their misery.
  • Boosted resistance of Anchor to make it more obvious that it needs to be destroyed with a Pick.

Version 1.86

May 13, 2011

  • Fixed problem with the Item IDs for Hemp Fibers and Scoured Leather becoming confused.
  • Fixed issue with the way food stacks in the Cauldron.

Version 1.85

May 13, 2011

  • Added the Omni*Slab in wood and stone varieties.
  • Upgraded the mod to the latest versions of MCP and Modloader to hopefully solve some compatibility issues.
  • Modified title screen to display mod*specific instructions and dispense general wisdom.

Version 1.80

May 12, 2011

  • Added the Anchor.
  • Added the Rope.
  • Changed Gear recipe to produce 2 Gears instead of just 1.
  • Fixed problem with the Block Dispenser destroying specific kinds of items in its inventory if the block in front of it already contained something.
  • Added collision to the base of the Hand Crank, so that you can now step up onto it, and don't just walk right through it.

Version 1.70

May 10, 2011

  • Added the Hand Crank as a new block type.
  • Added the Mill Stone as a new block type.
  • Added Gears as an item.
  • Added Flour as an Item.
  • Added Hemp Fibers as an item.
  • Added Scoured Leather as an item.
  • Added smelting recipe to bake Bread from Flour in the furnace.
  • Added Donuts (cook flour in the cauldron).
  • Modified cauldron to spit out cooked items should its inventory be incapable of containing them.
  • Changed Block Dispenser so it no longer spits out an item if there is a non*opaque object in front of it.

Version 1.61

May 8, 2011

  • Tweaked the way hemp grows. It should be *slightly* faster to grow now, especially in dense fields.
  • Hemp now only grows under direct sunlight OR if there is a powerful light source up to two blocks above it. Light*blocks to the side of the plant will no longer work.
  • Made Companion Cubes and Hemp Crops flammable. This means lightning can now send a whole field of hemp up in flames. You can also set it ablaze when the authorities arrive.
  • Rate of hemp seed drop when using hoe on grass is now based on the hoe's material (stone drops more than wood, etc.) Consistent with other tools in the game, gold is the most effecient (but least durable), with diamond probably being the best mix between effeciency and durability.
  • Added custom texture for hemp seeds to make them easier to differentiate from wheat.
  • Changed Hibachi code to fix potential performance issues, and to stop it going out in the rain.
  • Boosted the hardness of the Hibachi and Cauldron to be more consistent with other block types.
  • Added ability for Block Dispenser to "process" chickens.

Version 1.60

May 6, 2011

  • Added Hemp.
  • Made changes to Block Dispenser which should allow it to plant seeds from other mods.

Version 1.52

May 4, 2011

  • Fixed crash bug when Block Dispenser picked up redstone dust, which probably affected other block*types as well.

Version 1.51

May 4, 2011

  • Fixed problem with block dispenser not properly handling coloured wool. This should also resolve potential problems with different sapling types and other similar blocks that may be included in the game in the future, or which are features in other mods.
  • Fixed problem with multiple Block Dispensers being able to swallow entities (minecarts, wolves, etc.) at the same time.
  • Changed Block Dispenser to not dispense *anything* (objects and entities included), if the block in front of it is blocked. This may help in the construction of more complex mechanisms and is more consistent with overall behaviour.
  • Fixed problem with light*blocks not powering each other indirectly.
  • Fixed detector block interacting in weird ways with various other block types (redstone wire, crops, trees, etc.)
  • Added sound effect to Detector Block when triggered.
  • Added sound effect to Block Dispenser when it is dispensing/swallowing entities (like minecarts and boats).
  • Added config file setting for using Minecraft default textures for light blocks. This is for people using custom texture packs that feel the mod's custom textures clash with other in*game elements.

Version 1.50

May 2, 2011

  • Added the Detector Block
  • Disabled Minecart Pressure Plate functionality. This is likely the last version they'll be in the game in any way shape or form, and I will soon recycle their block ids (along with the booster block). If you haven't removed them from your worlds yet: DO IT SOON!!!!
  • Changed threshold value on angle when placing Companion Cube and Block Dispenser so that they aren't accidentally placed facing up or down as frequently. You'll have to be looking up or down at a steeper angle now to place them in the corresponding directions.
  • Removed maximum value of 255 on block and item IDs in the config file for increased compatibility with Minecraft Extended mod.

Version 1.40

April 29, 2011

  • Added new detector rail-types: wood and obsidian, and modified the way the normal (stone) detector rails works. Wood triggers on any minecart. Stone triggers on any minecart containing something (chest, furnace, or mob). Obsidian only triggers if a minecart contains a player.
  • Changed Iron Pressure Plates to Obsidian Pressure Plates. For greater visibility contrast relative to stone pressure plates, because it makes sense that it takes more weight to move obsidian than stone (not so much with iron), to give an in-game use for obsidian, and because it's impossible to see the difference between a stone and iron detector rail (given how small the pressure plate is on the rail). [This block was replaced in version 4.85]
  • Disabled crafting recipes for minecart pressure plates (since they are replaced by the detector rails), and when a minecart pressure plate already in the game is destroyed, it now drops its constituent resources so that players may recover them. Note that these blocks will be completely removed from the mod in a future version so it is in your best interest to recover these resources now before they disappear (same with the old minecart boosters).
  • Completely disabled minecart booster functionality in ongoing process of phasing them out. If you haven't cleared them out of your saves yet, and recovered the resources, now is the time to do it before they are completely gone.
  • Fixed problem with nethercoal recipe that didn't allow it to be crafted in any slot.
  • Reorganized the way the mod assigns block and item ids, to hopefully resolve an incompatibility problem with other mods.
  • Added ability for the Dispenser Block to swallow minecarts, boats...and wolves.
  • Added the Companion Cube.

Version 1.31

April 28, 2011

  • Created seperate texture directory for the mod to make tracking down the graphics files associated with it easier.
  • Retextured the Hibachi, and replaced the iron in the crafting recipe with cobble. I think this fits the idea of the Hibachi being an "open-top furnace" and makes sense since stone would melt at higher temperatures than iron. It also reduces the mod's overdependence on iron.
  • Retextured Cauldron. Meat your new friend.
  • Retextured Light Block.
  • Retextured the Block Dispenser. Also toned down the amount of mossy cobble used in its crafting recipe.
  • Retextured cement.

Version 1.30

April 27, 2011

Version 1.25

April 25, 2011

  • Updated mod to be compatible with version Beta 1.5_01 of Minecraft.
  • Removed the recipe for the minecart booster as its functionality is replaced by the booster-rail.
  • When minecart boosters already in a save file are destroyed, they now return the ingredients originally used in crafting them. This can be used by players to salvage any resources they may have already invested in the boosters.
  • Changed code to properly register the blocks in the mod through modloader.
  • Changed the crafting recipe for cement to use soulsand instead of goo since it is no longer used by the booster, can be more reliably found in-game (some folks seem to never be able to find slimes), and since it makes sense in terms of the logic behind the recipe. Of course, Steve is now solidfying souls into concrete, with all the moral ramifications that entails...
  • Removed mods dependency on modifying TileEntityDispenser base class.
  • Removed mods dependency on modifying BlockFire base class.
  • Fixed problems where block dispenser would occasionally pick-up flint when removing a gravel block, and cobble when picking up smoothstone.
  • Changed block dispenser to be able to place blocks in squares containing entities (like wolves), and to not eject a block in item-form if the block in front of it is already occupied.
  • Changed block dispenser to pick-up TNT instead of triggering it to make behavior more consistent with other block types, to make construction of semi and full auto cannons more interesting (while convenient the way they were, it really feels like they should have separate loading, priming, and firing mechanisms), and to provide the player with a method of disposing of placed TNT.
  • Changed block dispenser to be able to plant seeds.
  • Added a slight turn-on and turn-off delay to Hibachi. Fixes a number of subtle problems with how they behave and makes their function a little more believable and consistent with the rest of the redstone elements in the game.
  • Partially implemented cauldron. This feature is not complete, but I wanted to release a version compatible with Beta 1.5_01 as quickly as possible, so I disabled the crafting recipe and left it in as is. If you edit it into the game (you can't build it legitimately), it will be an entirely non-functional and utterly boring block :)

Version 1.24

April 19, 2011

  • Totally isolated cement code from BlockFLuid and BlockFlowing, eliminating this mod's need to change those base class files.
  • Put in fixed distance limit on how far cement could spread. This increases the distance it can flow on level ground, to aid in it's use in construction, while limiting its down-hill spread restricting its use for griefing and its potential for disaster.
  • Changed the way cement spreads. Unlike other in-game fluids, it doesn't only flow towards downward slopes, but instead spreads in a circular pattern around the point at which it is put down.
  • Changed various aspects about the way cement displays to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Added dry time to cement which causes it to slowly dry instead of just instantly turning solid after being placed.
  • Added partially dry state to cement which changes the visual when it's about to solidify, and also blends its height closer to that of a full block to smooth the transition.

Version 1.23

April 16, 2011

  • Fixed some problems with how cement spreads, toning down its tendancy to form "the tidal wave of doom"
  • Removed custom cement texture and removed mod's dependecy on a modified terrain.png
  • Fixed cement bucket recipe so that it can be built in any crafting slot

Version 1.22

April 15, 2011

  • Modified Block Dispensers to be able to place/collect smooth stone without converting it to cobble.
  • Toned down the amount of iron used in some of the crafting recipes, as it was extremely heavy. This affects the recipes for the Hibachi, Minecart Boosters, and Minecart Plates.
  • Fixed problem with minecart pressure plate running current to far too many neighboring blocks. It now needs to have wire running directly to it to supply current.
  • Fixed problem with Hibachi burning while submerged in liquid (water, lava & cement) through constantly reigniting. The Hibachi will no longer burn under these conditions.

Version 1.21

April 15, 2011

  • Added ability for player to orient Block Dispensers upwards and downwards
  • Changed Block Dispensers to only accept direct redstone current to the dispenser block, or the block directly above it.
  • Changed Hibachi to accept Redstone current From Block Above

Version 1.20

April 13, 2011

Version 1.01

April 12, 2011

  • Added ModLoader support.
  • Added iron pressure plates. (this block was replaced in version 1.40)
  • Added wood and iron versions of the minecart pressure plate (stone pressure plates from previous versions automatically convert to wood to preserve their functionality). [These blocks were removed shortly after version 1.50]

Version 1.0

April 10, 2011

  • Initial Release

The initial release seems to have made the following changes: