Detector Rail

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These are two additional detector rails: wood and obsidian while the original stone detector rails are changed as follows.

  • Wood detects any minecart (Same properties as stone detector rail when Minecraft is not modded)
  • Stone detects any occupied minecart (furnance, chest, mob, player, ..)
  • Soulforged Steel detects only a minecart which has a player inside


Name Ingredients Input » Output
Detector Rail Iron Ingot,
Wooden Pressure Plate,
Redstone Dust
Iron (Ingot)
Iron (Ingot)
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Wooden Detector Rail
Iron (Ingot)
Wooden Pressure Plate
Iron (Ingot)
Iron (Ingot)
Redstone (Dust)
Iron (Ingot)
Detector Rail Iron Ingot,
Soulforged Steel Pressure Plate,
Redstone Dust
Iron (Ingot)
Iron (Ingot)
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Soulforged Steel Detector Rail
Iron (Ingot)
Soulforged Steel Pressure Plate
Iron (Ingot)
Iron (Ingot)
Redstone (Dust)
Iron (Ingot)


  • Automatic cart sorting station
  • Minecart clock with different intervals/sequences on one track

Keep in Mind

  • The changes to the stone (Vanilla MC) detector rail

Demonstration Video

<youtube v="e7FAYZLXLho" />