Unfired Pottery

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Revision as of 02:13, 21 September 2011 by JRoush (talk | contribs) (Cannot be moved by pistons)
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Unfired pottery is made by putting a clay block on a turntable and having the turntable rotate a certain amount of times. Unfired pottery must be cooked in a kiln to harden it into the final product.


The unfired Crucible being created on a turntable. (2 full rotations) The unfired Planter being created on a turntable. (4 full rotations) The unfired Vase being created on a turntable. (6 full rotations)


Keep in Mind

  • Each type of pottery is labeled "Unfired Pottery" until fired, so keep track of which kind is which.
  • Unfired pottery cannot be moved by pistons (it has a tile entity, like chests/furnaces/etc).

Demonstration Video

None at the moment. <youtube v="kjHlLu7d3aY" />