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(Removed the rare drops on the info box)
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|drops={{ItemLink|Rotten Flesh}} (0–2) on death.
|drops={{ItemLink|Rotten Flesh}} (0–2) on death.
{{ItemLink|Iron Ingot}}<br>
Equipped items (may be enchanted):<br>
Equipped items (may be enchanted):<br>
{{ItemLink|Iron Shovel}}<br>
{{ItemLink|Iron Shovel}}<br>

Revision as of 13:37, 9 February 2024




Health points

20 (Heart.png × 10)

Armor points


Attack strength

Scales with zombie's health

HP Template:!! Easy Template:!! Normal Template:!! Hard
16–20 Template:!! 2 (Heart.png) Template:!! 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Template:!! 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
11–15 Template:!! 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Template:!! 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Template:!! 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png)
6–10 Template:!! 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Template:!! 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Template:!! 7 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
1–5 Template:!! 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Template:!! 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Template:!! 9 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)


Light level of 7 or less and 1×2 space anywhere but blocks marked as transparent (half blocks, glass, TNT etc).


Grid Rotten Flesh.png
Rotten Flesh (0–2) on death.

Equipped items (may be enchanted):

Grid Iron Shovel.png
Iron Shovel
Grid Iron Sword.png
Iron Sword
Grid Iron Chestplate.png
Iron Chestplate

Rare drops




Zombies are hostile mobs that naturally spawn during the night or in dark areas like caves. They mainly drop Rotten Flesh but can spawn holding valuable items like iron tools or while wearing iron armor. They'll burn if they come into contact with sunlight.


Zombies will wander around randomly moaning. If they spot a target, they'll begin snarling and chase the target until they have managed to kill it or the target moves out of the Zombie's range. Zombies will attempt to avoid obstacles, including sheer cliffs and lava, and would try to find the shortest path towards the player. At dawn (when the Sun is 15 degrees or more above the ground), zombies will catch fire and burn once exposed to direct sunlight. However, zombies will make some attempt to seek out shade from the sunlight, or enter bodies of water to protect themselves from burning up. Being in water negates the effects of direct sunlight, preventing them from burning. If they exit water, they will again be vulnerable to direct sunlight. Zombies standing under trees will survive daylight, as the shade prevents them from being burned. They will not burn if it is raining or if they have the ability to pick up items and are wearing headgear. They will leave trees and water if a Player comes near. Zombies will attack villagers within 16 blocks of themselves, ignoring the hazard of direct sunlight. The villagers will attempt to flee from the zombies. Once a zombie has focused on a villager, the zombie will ignore any other villagers and the player until its target is killed or when the player attacks it.


Zombies will hunt down any passive animal, player or villager that enters their range. They will also eat any meat the target drops upon being killed. If a Zombie kills a villager there's a high chance that the villager will turn into a zombie villager.


<Move talk of the rotten flesh to the rotten flesh page maybe?-> When killed, zombies drop Rotten Flesh. While Rotten Flesh itself is not recommended to be used as food at all, it can be used as bait for fishing. This allows the player to catch Raw Fish which can be cooked over a Campfire, in a Brick Oven or in a Cauldron to make Cooked Fish which replenishes 2 shanks of hunger. It can also be used in a stoked Cauldron to make Kibble which can serve as an alternative food for Wolves. The most useful thing Zombies can drop are tools and armor made from Iron. Zombies have a small chance of spawning while wearing Iron armor or while holding and Iron Shovel or Iron Sword. If the Player can manage to kill the zombie, they will drop everything they were holding and wearing. These items will have a random amount of durability but are still be very useful to have. Later on they can be molten back down into Iron using a Crucible.


Zombies move rather slowly and can only do damage if they're close to the player. However, because Zombies are so common it's easy for the Player to be targeted by multiple Zombies at once, seeing that they have a rather big range. This makes it very important to be aware of your surroundings so that you won't be surprise attacked from behind or end up with your back against a wall. This is especially true for the Zombies that are wearing Iron armor or are holding an Iron Sword or Shovel as the armor greatly increases the amount of damage the Zombie can take and the tools greatly increase the damage the zombie does in a single hit.

Zombie Villagers

These zombie villagers can be 'healed' by throwing a splash potion of weakness onto them, then giving them a Normal golden apple by right-clicking on the zombie villager with it. You will hear a loud hissing sound and the Zombie Villager will begin to shudder. Wait around 3 minutes ( They must be protected from attacks and sun damages ) . However, these cured villagers do not retain the same trades they had before they became infected. Also, if the zombie villager has picked up any of your equipment, including armor, these items simply disappear when the villager is cured. This works even if the zombie was spawned as this type rather than being spawned as a villager, and later converted. Zombie Villagers are the same as regular zombies with these exceptions:

  • They will not burn in sunlight.
  • They move faster than regular zombies.
  • They will attempt to break down wooden doors, continuously banging on them.

Baby Zombies

In creative mode or with cheats (as you can only get spawn eggs in these modes), a player can spawn baby villagers by right-clicking on an adult villager with the villager spawner egg. Baby villagers may turn into baby zombie villagers when they are killed by zombies.

Baby Zombie Villagers are the same as regular zombies with these exceptions:

  • They will not burn in sunlight.
  • They move faster than regular zombies.
  • They do not grow up unless cured.
  • When they wear armor it shrinks to fit their body size

Keep in mind

  • The durability of the tools and armor zombies spawn with is decided when the mob spawns, not when the items are dropped.
  • Zombies holding items will drop all of their held items on death.
  • The armor and tools still take damage when used by the zombie and can thus break.
  • Players can 'upgrade' what a zombie is holding by throwing an item on the ground where the zombie stands.
  • Zombies wearing helmets don't burn up in sunlight but their helmet will slowly lose durability. (Heads used in place of helmets don't lose durability)
  • If a zombie picks up an item, it will not despawn except if it was spawned with the item it is holding (ex. shovel, sword, etc.)
  • Both the Zombie and The Player skins share the same model, thus the Zombie skin can be used as the player's skin and vice versa.
  • Despite being nocturnal, zombies are the most common Mobs in Minecraft, found extremely commonly in dark places like caves, strongholds, dungeons, etc, and outside at night, even more so than the other Mobs.
  • A Giant is an unused huge variation of a zombie that can only be spawned through third party programs or SMP commands. Its appearance is identical to the zombie's, but it has 50 hearts of health, deals 25 damage in a single hit, and is unable to damage the player unless they are right beneath it.
  • A Splash Potion of Fire Resistance can be used to prevent zombies from burning in direct sunlight.
  • Zombies will get hurt by a Splash Potion of Healing, and get healed by a Splash Potion of Harming. Splash Potions of Regeneration and Poison have no effect on them. This applies to all the undead mobs, like skeletons.
  • When in daylight while raining, a zombie might make a hissing sound, due to the fact that it will catch on fire and immediately be burned out.
  • Even if attacked by an entity other than the player, the zombie will still be focused on attacking the player.
  • Zombies can climb ladders, but will only do so if their pathfinding runs them into one.
  • Villager zombies have brown eyes, but normal villagers have green eyes.
  • Villager Zombies are thinner and slightly taller than villagers.
    • This is due to the fact that villager Zombies are modeled as Zombies with alternate heads instead of using the model of the villager. However, it could be intentional in order to avoid confusion.
    • Zombie villagers also have their noses sticking through a pumpkin if they are wearing one.
    • When walking in a space that is 2 blocks tall, the top of the Zombie Villager is higher than the ceiling and goes through it with no effect.
  • The attribute applied to allow them to pick up items is called CanPickUpLoot.
  • On Halloween, zombies sometimes spawn with pumpkins or Jack 'o' Lanterns on their heads.
  • Even if a zombie has complete diamond armor, it is limited to 20 armor points (80% damage reduction).
  • Zombies can frighten villagers from behind walls of glass. Villagers will even run into a fire to "escape" from zombies behind glass.

See also


