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{{about|the Zombie|the Zombie Pigman|Zombie Pigman|the giant Zombie|Giant}}
{{about|the Zombie|the Zombie Pigman|Zombie Pigman|the giant Zombie|Giant}}
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'''Zombies''' are [[hostile mob]]s that appear in two slightly different forms. The most common form closely resembles the [[player]], and a less common form that resembles a [[villager]] may appear. The rarer form is called a '''Zombie Villager''', and 5% of all zombies spawned are of this type. If any type of zombie attacks a villager and kills them, there is a chance (100% in hard difficulty, 50% in normal, 0% in easy and peaceful) that the villager will become infected and transform into a zombie villager. This often occurs during [[Zombie siege|sieges]]. These zombie villagers can be 'healed' by throwing a [[splash potion]] of weakness onto them, then giving them a Normal [[golden apple]] by right-clicking on the zombie villager with it. You will hear a loud hissing sound and the Zombie Villager will begin to shudder. Wait around 3 minutes ( They must be protected from attacks and sun damages ) . However, these cured villagers do not retain the same trades they had before they became infected. Also, if the zombie villager has picked up any of your equipment, including armor, these items simply disappear when the villager is cured. This works even if the zombie was spawned as this type rather than being spawned as a villager, and later converted.
Zombies are hostile mobs that naturally spawn during the night or in dark areas like caves. They mainly drop Rotten Flesh but can spawn holding valuable items like iron tools or while wearing iron armor. They'll burn if they come into contact with sunlight.
Zombies spawn in dimly-lit areas, and will attack the player by slowly moving toward them, touching them and thereby inflicting damage. Like [[skeleton]]s, zombies catch fire in [[light|sunlight]]. Zombies will not attack [[Iron Golem]]s.
== Appearance ==
Zombies have four distinct forms in-game:
# '''A Zombie.''' The original form of zombies have green skin, empty eye sockets, and identical clothing to the player and [[human]]s. They are 2 blocks tall, 1 block wide, and 0.24 blocks thick.
# '''A Zombie villager.''' They have the same body as a normal zombie, but their heads are a Zombified version of a villager's head. These Zombies will rarely spawn in place of a normal Zombie, including Zombie spawners or eggs. They may occur on normal, hard, or hardcore gamemode when any type of Zombie slays a Villager. These can be cured with a Splash Potion of Weakness and a normal Golden Apple to create a Villager.
# '''A Baby Zombie villager.''' These Zombies do not spawn, but may occur on normal, hard, or hardcore gamemode when any type of Zombie slays a Baby Villager. These zombies retain the incredible speed of a Baby Villager. These can be cured to create a Villager.
# '''A Baby Zombie.''' These Zombies do not spawn, but can be spawned when using mods. These zombies possess the incredible speed of a Baby Villager, but cannot be cured.
*Zombies have a chance of spawning with a random type of armor and/or an iron sword/shovel, This also applies with zombie villagers and baby zombies.
*You can "customize" a zombie by giving the zombie something better than what it has on its hands. You can also give the zombie a sword, bone, etc, when the zombie has nothing in its hands, but it may not always work. If a zombie is holding a sword, you can almost guarantee that you will be able to "customize" the Zombie. But be warned, when you customize a zombie, they become dangerous. Doing this in creative mode, or keeping them in a pen is advised. This also works on zombie villagers.
*You can also put heads on the Zombies. But if you give them any other type of headgear, they will give you back the heads for the headgear.
*You can also give Zombies a bow. You can make an artificial Skeleton by giving them a skeleton head, a bow, and iron armor. Skeletons can also be turned into an artificial Zombie by giving them a zombie head, green leather armor, and a sword.
== Uses ==
When killed, zombies drop 0&ndash;2 pieces of [[Rotten Flesh]]. These can be eaten by the player, but have an 80% chance of giving the player [[Hunger#Food poisoning|food poisoning]]. Rotten flesh can safely be used to heal and breed tamed [[wolves]] without any risk of the wolf being poisoned, because wolves are not affected by rotten flesh poison.<ref>[[jebtweet:102785103595454465]]</ref>
Zombies will rarely drop [[iron ingot]]s, [[shovel]]s, [[sword]]s, [[carrot]]s and [[potato]]es. Zombies may be spawned wearing armor, and upon death rarely drop some of their armor. Zombies can spawn with and drop [[Chain Armor]]. These items will only drop from zombies killed by the player. Zombies, along with [[Skeletons]], [[Wither Skeleton]]s, and [[Zombie Pigmen]] can also spawn wearing a [[Pumpkin]] or [[Jack 'o' Lantern]] as a helmet during Halloween (October 31st).
== Behavior ==
== Behavior ==
[[File:ZombieInDoor.png|thumb|Zombies can deal damage through closed doors.]]
Zombies will wander around randomly moaning. If they spot a target, they'll begin snarling and chase the target until they have managed to kill it or the target moves out of the Zombie's range. Zombies will attempt to avoid obstacles, including sheer cliffs and lava, and would try to find the shortest path towards the player. At dawn (when the [[Sun]] is 15 degrees or more above the ground), zombies will catch fire and burn once exposed to direct sunlight. However, zombies will make some attempt to seek out shade from the sunlight, or enter bodies of water to protect themselves from burning up. Being in water negates the effects of direct sunlight, preventing them from burning. If they exit water, they will again be vulnerable to direct sunlight. Zombies standing under trees will survive daylight, as the shade prevents them from being burned. They will not burn if it is raining or if they have the ability to pick up items and are wearing headgear. They will leave trees and water if a Player comes near. Zombies will attack [[villager]]s within 16 blocks of themselves, ignoring the hazard of direct sunlight. The villagers will attempt to flee from the zombies. Once a zombie has focused on a villager, the zombie will ignore any other villagers and the player until its target is killed or when the player attacks it.
[[File:Zombie ways.png|thumb|A zombie trying to break the door down instead of taking an alternative path.]]
Zombies moan when wandering around aimlessly, but snarl and gurgle when attacking or injured. Zombies spawn in groups of 1-6 and will pursue the player on sight. Zombies will attempt to avoid obstacles, including sheer cliffs and lava, and would try to find the shortest path towards the player. Unlike skeletons, zombies do not try to avoid being hit, and continue to pursue the player even when being counter-attacked. Zombies can sometimes deal damage through a closed door, as shown on the picture to the right. This is because when they occupy the space of the door, the game considers their hits as reaching past the door into an adjacent block. The behavior of the zombies is demonstrated in this [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aDYJZLmtxQ video.]
== Targets ==
Zombies will hunt down any passive animal, player or villager that enters their range. They will also eat any meat the target drops upon being killed. If a Zombie kills a villager there's a high chance that the villager will turn into a zombie villager.
At dawn (when the [[Sun]] is 15 degrees or more above the ground), zombies will catch fire and burn once exposed to direct sunlight. However, zombies will make some attempt to seek out shade from the sunlight, or enter bodies of water to protect themselves from burning up. Being in water negates the effects of direct sunlight, preventing them from burning. If they exit water, they will again be vulnerable to direct sunlight. Zombies standing under trees will survive daylight, as the shade prevents them from being burned. They will not burn if it is raining or if they have the ability to pick up items and are wearing headgear. They will leave trees and water if a Player comes near.
== Usage ==
<Move talk of the rotten flesh to the rotten flesh page maybe?->
When killed, zombies drop [[Rotten Flesh]]. While Rotten Flesh itself is not recommended to be used as food at all, it can be used as bait for fishing. This allows the player to catch Raw Fish which can be cooked over a Campfire, in a Brick Oven or in a Cauldron to make Cooked Fish which replenishes 2 shanks of hunger. It can also be used in a stoked Cauldron to make Kibble which can serve as an alternative food for Wolves. The most useful thing Zombies can drop are tools and armor made from Iron. Zombies have a small chance of spawning while wearing Iron armor or while holding and Iron Shovel or Iron Sword. If the Player can manage to kill the zombie, they will drop everything they were holding and wearing. These items will have a random amount of durability but are still be very useful to have. Later on they can be molten back down into Iron using a Crucible.
Zombies will attempt to break down wooden doors, continuously banging on them. This is only successful on Hard difficulty though; on other difficulties, the door will crack, but not break. Iron Doors are always safe from zombie attack and destruction. Zombies will attack [[villager]]s within 16 blocks of themselves, ignoring the hazard of direct sunlight. The villagers will attempt to flee from the zombies. Once a zombie has focused on a villager, the zombie will ignore any other villagers and the player until its target is killed or when the player attacks it.
== Fighting ==
Zombies move rather slowly and can only do damage if they're close to the player. However, because Zombies are so common it's easy for the Player to be targeted by multiple Zombies at once, seeing that they have a rather big range. This makes it very important to be aware of your surroundings so that you won't be surprise attacked from behind or end up with your back against a wall. This is especially true for the Zombies that are wearing Iron armor or are holding an Iron Sword or Shovel as the armor greatly increases the amount of damage the Zombie can take and the tools greatly increase the damage the zombie does in a single hit.
Like most mobs, zombies will always float on water even if their target is below them.
== Zombie Villagers ==
These zombie villagers can be 'healed' by throwing a [[splash potion]] of weakness onto them, then giving them a Normal [[golden apple]] by right-clicking on the zombie villager with it. You will hear a loud hissing sound and the Zombie Villager will begin to shudder. Wait around 3 minutes ( They must be protected from attacks and sun damages ) . However, these cured villagers do not retain the same trades they had before they became infected. Also, if the zombie villager has picked up any of your equipment, including armor, these items simply disappear when the villager is cured. This works even if the zombie was spawned as this type rather than being spawned as a villager, and later converted.
Occasionally (10% of the time on easy, 15% on normal, 45% on hard), zombies (along with skeletons and zombie pigmen) will spawn with the ability to pick up tools and armor on the ground, and even pumpkins in block form as well as item. [[Armor]] will automatically be equipped. If a zombie picks up any type of headgear (helmet, pumpkin, [[head]], etc.) it gains immunity to burning in sunlight. Items will instantly be held, which is not exclusive to [[weapons]]. This means these zombies can be found holding items they have come across, such as rotten flesh. This feature will cause zombie pigmen to drop their sword and skeletons to drop their bow. If any of the three mobs has a sword in their hand, and you give them a better sword, they will ditch the old one and go for the better one. Example: if a Zombie has a wooden sword, and you give it a stone sword, it will take the stone sword and drop the wooden one.
Zombie Villagers are the same as regular zombies with these exceptions:
* They will not burn in sunlight.
If a zombie picks up an item, it will not despawn except if it was spawned with the item it is holding (ex. shovel, sword, etc.)
* They move faster than regular zombies.
* They will attempt to break down wooden doors, continuously banging on them.
As of snapshot 13w04a, if you attack a zombie while you are in creative mode, more zombies will follow you and swarm you (like zombie pigmen) and no matter how far you run/fly, they will follow you.
== Combat ==
Zombies do not pose much of a threat unless encountered in large groups or in a narrow space (like in a one block corridor). A player on sufficiently high ground can repeatedly hit a zombie as it approaches, knocking it away each time it comes close. If the player is being pursued by several zombies, then it is necessary to knock each one away in turn so that no single zombie can close in. If a player is in a small room with several zombies and no escape route, it is advisable to use a blocking and slashing technique; this slowly kills the zombies while reducing the damage they inflict. An alternate strategy is to place yourself so that you are 1 block lower than the zombie, preventing it from hitting you. Like Zombie Pigmen and skeletons, zombies have a chance of spawning equipped with armor, enchanted or not, wielding an iron sword or iron shovel. Zombies, along with [[Zombie Pigmen]] and [[skeletons]], can be damaged by [[Splash Potions]] of Healing and healed with Splash potions of Harming. In Minecraft update 1.5 zombies can call other zombies in the area to "help", and in a matter of seconds, more zombies will target the player. The "calling range" of zombies is also affected depending on the difficulty. Zombies only do "close-up" combat, meaning they don't shoot with bows, but they will hit the player with it.
Zombie sieges can pose a significant threat to villagers and players in the village even though zombies are easy to defeat on a one-to-one basis.
[[File:2012-10-04 20.04.18.png|thumb|A zombie with full golden armor and rotten flesh as a "weapon".]]
== Defensive measures ==
Zombies are vulnerable to daylight, [[lava]], [[fire]], and contact with [[Cactus|cacti]]. Surface zombie populations can be controlled if the player regularly sleeps in a [[bed]] at dusk, since zombies will spawn at night if given the chance to do so.
Should a player be trapped on the surface outside at dusk, they can dig a single block wide pit 3 blocks deep, seal off the top with a block, and wait for morning light to burn away the undead before climbing out. However, this leaves the player vulnerable to [[creepers]] that may have spawned in the area due to their immunity to sunlight. Another method is jump up and place blocks below you until you build a tower high enough to keep you safe until sunrise. This way you have a 360 degree view as you come down, allowing you to see any [[creepers]] in the area (providing there is limited number of trees). The only problem with the tower method is that if the tower is not tall enough a [[skeleton]] may shoot you down, or a [[spider]] can climb a tower without overhangs on the edges.
The Player can also kill zombie mobs by using a [[bow]] from a distance so the player will not be vulnerable to attacks.
If the player places a door rotated so having one "closed" appears "open" and vice versa, zombies will not attempt to break them, simply standing in front of them if they wish to enter.
A popular method of protecting your shelter from zombies in Hard mode without wasting iron is to place a fence gate and wooden pressure plate in front of your door.  That way, the zombie cannot get to the door to break it, and you stay protected from the arrows of [[Skeletons]] and the detection of other mobs as you would with a door in your shelter.
Logging off on a multiplayer server will either cause the zombies to despawn, or, if other players are close to the zombies, cause the zombies to burn in daylight after other players sleep.
== Baby Zombies ==
== Baby Zombies ==
In creative mode or with cheats (as you can only get spawn eggs in these modes), a player can spawn baby villagers by right-clicking on an adult villager with the villager spawner egg. Baby villagers may turn into baby zombie villagers when they are killed by zombies.
In creative mode or with cheats (as you can only get spawn eggs in these modes), a player can spawn baby villagers by right-clicking on an adult villager with the villager spawner egg. Babies are also made by villagers when there are sufficient amount of doors in a village. Baby villagers may turn into baby zombie villagers when they are killed by zombies.
Baby Zombie Villagers are the same as regular zombies with these exceptions:
Baby Zombie Villagers are the same as regular zombies with these exceptions:
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* When they wear armor it shrinks to fit their body size
* When they wear armor it shrinks to fit their body size
Through a map editor or an NBT editor, it is possible to get normal baby zombies. They behave like baby villager zombies: they don't burn up, move faster, and don't grow. The same applies for baby [[Zombie Pigman|zombie Pigmen]].
== Keep in mind ==
* The durability of the tools and armor zombies spawn with is decided when the mob spawns, not when the items are dropped.
== Video ==
* Zombies holding items will drop all of their held items on death.
* The armor and tools still take damage when used by the zombie and can thus break.
* Players can 'upgrade' what a zombie is holding by throwing an item on the ground where the zombie stands.
* Zombies wearing helmets don't burn up in sunlight but their helmet will slowly lose durability. (Heads used in place of helmets don't lose durability)
* If a zombie picks up an item, it will not despawn except if it was spawned with the item it is holding (ex. shovel, sword, etc.)
== History ==
{{History|Survival Test}}
{{History||0.24 (August 14, 2009)|Zombies were the second mob to be added to Minecraft, after [[human]]s. They were the fastest mob in the game before Spiders were added in 0.26 and 0.27, and could run as fast as the player. They would occasionally appear wearing armor, but this had no protective effect on their health. When killed, zombies gave 80 points each to the player, but they did not drop their armor. Zombies also had arm swinging animations when they attacked.<ref>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubDJT1KamSE&feature=player_detailpage#t=144s</ref>}}
{{History||unknown|Zombies' armor was removed, as well as their arm swinging attack animations.}}
{{History||(February 19, 2010)|Zombies dropped 0-2 feathers upon death. Before [[chicken]]s existed in ''Minecraft'', [[Notch]] confessed<ref>[[notchtweet:21723172931895296]]</ref> that he made zombies drop feathers because he had no idea what they should have dropped when killed.}}
{{History||1.8|Zombies now dropped Rotten Flesh instead of Feathers.}}
{{History||1.9pre4|Zombies were harmed by [[Splash Potions]] of Healing, and healed by Splash Potions of Harming. They also became immune to poison, although Splash Potions of Regeneration did not affect them.}}
{{History||1.2.1|rowspan=4|snap=12w03a|The zombies' AI was improved, giving them a much better sense of direction when pursuing the player, allowing them to navigate obstacles, and even small mazes if constructed, to get to the player. They were also given the ability to 'see' through windows<!--is this all transparent blocks?/-->, the first mob able to do so intelligently, not counting Spiders, who are able to see through all blocks.}}
{{History|||snap=12w04a|The zombies' AI was improved again to cope with catching fire in sunlight. If a zombie is exposed to sunlight and bursts into flames, it will search for a body of water to douse the flames. The same goes for [[skeletons]], whose AI has been improved also, so they run for shelter when exposed to sunlight.}}
{{History|||snap=12w06a|Zombies chased and attacked villagers, attacked [[doors]] (breaking them on Hard and Hardcore difficulties), and sometimes dropped Iron Ingots, Helmets, Shovels and Swords as a rare drop. Sometimes zombies attacked villagers in preference to the player, and always chose the shortest way to the target, even if there was a door in the way.}}
{{History|||snap=12w07a|The drop rate of rare drops was reduced.}}
{{History||1.4.2|rowspan=8|snap=12w32a|Zombie armor was added back into the game, and they could wear any type of armor. Zombies could now also hold an Iron Sword or Iron Shovel. There is a 0.5% chance that, when allowed, can spawn all 4 zombie clad with armor and weapons, or zombie villagers with full armor and enchanted swords. Zombies had a chance of dropping these items if they had them. Iron Helmets, Swords, and Shovels were removed as rare drops.
|Zombies use their attack animation like they did in Classic 0.24. This only shows when a zombie is holding a weapon. When a zombie holds a weapon the damage it does is equal to the damage the player would do with the weapon ({{hp|3}} for the Iron Shovel, {{hp|6}} for the Iron Sword) added to the normal damage of the zombie ({{hp|4}} on normal difficulty). So on normal difficulty a zombie with a shovel will do {{hp|7}} damage, and one with a sword will do {{hp|10}}.
|Armor worn by zombies works the same as it does for the player, each piece gives a certain amount of armor points, where each {{armor|1}} gives 4% damage reduction, but total damage reduction is limited to 80%. In addition to the base {{armor|2}} armor points, a zombie in full diamond armor would have a total of {{armor|22}} armor points, but provides only 80% damage reduction.
|Zombie [[villager]]s could now also spawn, and villagers now become infected when killed by a zombie. 5% of zombies spawned are zombie villagers. Infecting a baby villager creates a baby zombie villager which is faster than a normal zombie and does not age. Zombie villagers under the effects of a Potion of Weakness can  be cured by using a [[Golden Apple]] on them. There is also a bug where zombies don't burn up in the sun.}}
{{History|||snap=12w34a|Zombies have two new rare drops - [[carrot]]s and [[potato]]es. Zombies are the only source for these two foodstuffs other than picking them in NPC Villages in snapshot 12w36a.}}
{{History|||snap=12w34b|Zombies can pick up and equip dropped items.<ref>[[jebtweet:240381873480687616]]</ref><ref>http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/yrjp8/zombies_can_pick_up_items_from_the_ground_in_the/c5y7uma</ref> If killed, the zombie drops whatever it is holding.
|Zombies can survive sunlight if they are wearing a helmet or a pumpkin.<ref>[[Dinnerbonetweet:243645556872855552]]</ref>}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|The zombie and [[Zombie Pigmen]] models and textures have changed (no visual change, but breaks texture packs).}}
{{History||1.5|snap=13w03a|Zombies are now able to set the player on fire if they are on fire and they attack the player.}}
{{History||1.5|Zombies can call other zombies from the nearby area (radius dependent on difficulty) to attack the player, making packs of zombies approach shortly after damaging the zombie.|Zombies cause more damage when their health is lower.}}
{{History||1.6|snap=13w17a|When damaged, zombies have a low chance to spawn more zombies.}}
{{History||0.2.0|[[Sheep]] and zombies were added, making them the first mobs in the ''Pocket Edition''.}}
{{History||0.4.0|Zombies can drop [[feather]]s.}}
{{History||0.5.0|Zombies, skeletons and zombie pigmen have new animations.}}
== Bugs ==
*If a zombie walks off the end of running water off a ledge, it will disappear (before 1.4.2).
* Zombies will stand still in daylight if it is raining. This bug makes them appear 'scared' to move as if they feared catching on fire, even though the rain would douse the flames. (This may not be a bug, as they could be 'scared' that the rain would stop when they go outside).
**This may be because the Zombie seeks the nearest water source, but they realize they are '''in''' water, so they are already in the right place and there is no reason to move.
* In Pocket Edition, zombies can attack the player through doors if the player is standing directly in front of it and cannot move any further. This also means the player can attack the zombie the same way.
* Zombies sometimes start spinning around in circles randomly.
* If a zombie is trying to break down a door to kill NPC villagers or players, if you walk in front of the zombie which is trying to break down a door, they inflict damage on you and the zombie still isn't hostile to you if pursuing NPC villagers or other players.
* A zombie can be harmed if in a building packed with NPC villagers and there's no room for a zombie to move around in a building.
* In a room with slabs on both the floor and ceiling where there is still a space of 2 blocks, a zombie will stand still and will make no attempt to harm the player. This maybe useful for a mob trap because they could be pushed into a room by water which would allow the player to kill them safely.
* In 1.3.1 doors cannot be broken due to a breaking bug. The door will stay broken if the zombie leaves or is killed. Breaking the broken door will create a new crack in the door and if removed, will create broken air.
* In snapshot 12w36a, zombies holding spawn eggs or lilipads will show a bug whereas the game does not color the held item.
* In snapshot 12w34b and newer, curing a zombie villager which has picked up your items completely deletes those items.
* If you right-click a zombie with a piece of armor, the game will crash.
* Baby zombie villagers can sometimes equip armor and hold items or weapons but will not drop them when killed.
*If a [[Creeper]] explodes near zombies cracking the door, the door will disappear but the crack will remain in the exact spot it was.
== Trivia ==
[[File:2012-02-15 18.39.43.png|thumb|300px|A zombie horde that spawned outside a NPC village]]
[[File:Zombietexture.png|thumb|Zombie Texture]]
If you are lucky enough to find a zombie with an iron sword, then even more lucky to get it to drop, it will be very damaged, sometimes with only a few uses left.
* Zombies can spawn with colored leather armor. However, this is very rare.
* Both the Zombie and [[The Player]] skins share the same model, thus the Zombie skin can be used as the player's skin and vice versa.
* Both the Zombie and [[The Player]] skins share the same model, thus the Zombie skin can be used as the player's skin and vice versa.
* Despite being nocturnal, zombies are the most common Mobs in Minecraft, found extremely commonly in dark places like [[caves]], [[strongholds]], [[dungeons]], etc, and outside at [[night]], even more so than the other Mobs.
* Despite being nocturnal, zombies are the most common Mobs in Minecraft, found extremely commonly in dark places like [[caves]], [[strongholds]], [[dungeons]], etc, and outside at [[night]], even more so than the other Mobs.
* A [[Giant]] is an unused huge variation of a zombie that can only be spawned through third party programs or SMP commands. Its appearance is identical to the zombie's, but it has 50 hearts of health, deals 25 damage in a single hit, and is unable to damage the player unless they are right beneath it.
* A [[Giant]] is an unused huge variation of a zombie that can only be spawned through third party programs or SMP commands. Its appearance is identical to the zombie's, but it has 50 hearts of health, deals 25 damage in a single hit, and is unable to damage the player unless they are right beneath it.
* A Splash Potion of Fire Resistance can be used to prevent zombies from burning in direct sunlight.
* A Splash Potion of Fire Resistance can be used to prevent zombies from burning in direct sunlight.
* Zombies will get hurt by a Splash Potion of Healing, and get healed by a Splash Potion of Harming. Splash Potions of Regeneration and Poison have no effect on them. This applies for all the undead mobs, like skeletons.
* Zombies will get hurt by a Splash Potion of Healing, and get healed by a Splash Potion of Harming. Splash Potions of Regeneration and Poison have no effect on them. This applies to all the undead mobs, like skeletons.
* Zombie armor has no durability score, which means it can never "wear out" the way player armor does. Two points ({{armorbar|2|9px}}) of armor gives 8% damage reduction from [[Armor#Effects|most sources]]. This means the player would need to deal {{hp|22}} physical damage to kill a zombie. When dropped from a height of 23 blocks, a zombie would have its health dropped to half a heart but still takes two unarmed hits to kill. As unarmed hits deal half a heart each hit, the first hit would be reduced by the armor and send the zombie's health down below half a heart, thus a second hit is required. There is no one-hit (unarmed) method to kill zombies in a falling trap.
* In the [[Version history/Development versions#12w04a|12w04a]] snapshot, when spawning a Zombie in daylight with an egg on Soul Sand, it will not catch fire.
* When in daylight while raining, a zombie might make a hissing sound, due to the fact that it will catch on fire and immediately be burned out.
* When in daylight while raining, a zombie might make a hissing sound, due to the fact that it will catch on fire and immediately be burned out.
* Even if attacked by an entity other than the player, the zombie will still be focused on attacking the player.
* Even if attacked by an entity other than the player, the zombie will still be focused on attacking the player.
* Zombies can climb ladders, but will only do so if their path finding runs them into one.
* Zombies can climb ladders, but will only do so if their pathfinding runs them into one.
* Starting snapshot 12w32a, zombie NBT tags can be edited to make them use any item in the game with any enchantment as a weapon and wear any armor with any enchantment.
* Villager zombies have brown eyes, but normal villagers have green eyes.
* Villager zombies have brown eyes, but normal villagers have green eyes.
* When the villager Zombie was first introduced, the texture for their body depended on the body texture of the regular Zombie, located in the "zombie.png" image file. This made it impossible to give the villager Zombie and the regular Zombie distinct body texture when using a texture pack. However, in one of the following snapshot, Villager Zombies were given their own texture file called "zombie_villager.png" which fixed this annoyance.
* Villager Zombies are thinner and slightly taller than villagers.
* Villager Zombies are thinner and slightly taller than villagers.
** This is due to the fact that villager Zombies are modeled as Zombies with alternate heads instead of using the model of the villager. However, it could be intentional in order to avoid confusions.
** This is due to the fact that villager Zombies are modeled as Zombies with alternate heads instead of using the model of the villager. However, it could be intentional in order to avoid confusion.
** Zombie villagers also have their noses sticking through a pumpkin if they are wearing one.
** Zombie villagers also have their noses sticking through a pumpkin if they are wearing one.
** When walking in a space that is 2 blocks tall, the top of the Zombie Villager is higher than the ceiling, and goes through it with no effect.
** When walking in a space that is 2 blocks tall, the top of the Zombie Villager is higher than the ceiling and goes through it with no effect.
* Before 12w34a, when zombie villagers were added, the textures that could be used did not require modification to be a player skin.
* The attribute applied to allow them to pick up items is called CanPickUpLoot.
* The attribute applied to allow them to pick up items is called CanPickUpLoot.
* On Halloween, zombies sometimes spawn with pumpkins or Jack 'o' Lanterns on their heads.
* On Halloween, zombies sometimes spawn with pumpkins or Jack 'o' Lanterns on their heads.
* Since Zombies can pick up items, this can make them useful for preventing items from despawning, however the zombie itself will despawn if you walk out of a certain radius, which is approximately 32 blocks for allowed despawn and 128 blocks for instant despawn. A better method that still displays the item in question is to put them into item frames.
* Any Zombie wearing a helmet, pumpkin, or head will not catch on fire, however this uses up durability if it is wearing a helmet and may eventually be destroyed, causing the zombie to burn.
* Very rarely, a zombie can pick up its loot as it is dying.<!-- Wouldn't it just drop it again? --> <!-- No, it drops it when it dies, then after it's dead but before it disappears (as it's turning red and keeling over), it grabs its loot, which disappears when it does. -->
* Zombies are one of the two mobs (the other being the Skeletons) to be able to actually pick up any dropped block/item and use it.
**Zombies are also the first mob to have an attack animation (implemented in [[Classic]], taken out in [[Indev]], put back in 1.4.5), the second being the Iron Golem.
* Even if a zombie has complete diamond armor, it is limited to 20 armor points (80% damage reduction).
* Even if a zombie has complete diamond armor, it is limited to 20 armor points (80% damage reduction).
*A zombie with armor has a 40% chance of it being leather, 49% gold, 9% chain, 1.8% iron, and 0.2% diamond.
*When a zombie villager child equips a decorative head, the head will float above it.
* In 13w05b, due to the fact that Zombie Pigmen share many of the same codes as zombies, zombies will act like their pig counterparts in that all the zombies within a certain area will target a player who has attacked one zombie. Game mode and invisibility potions do not matter.
*Zombies can frighten villagers from behind walls of glass. Villagers will even run into a fire to "escape" from zombies behind glass.
*Zombies can frighten villagers from behind walls of glass. Villagers will even run into a fire to "escape" from zombies behind glass.
*Zombies attack range is a bit higher in the Xbox version then the PC version hence making it harder to kill in the Xbox edition
*If a zombie spawns wearing multiple pieces of armor, the armor will never be mismatched (i.e. all pieces will be made of the same material); the same applies for [[skeleton]]s.
*The hat part of zombie texture can be used to zombie villagers, but it will be cubic insted of paralelepipedical.
*When making a texture pack, using a regular player [[skin]] for the zombie texture results in the zombie's face being on the back of its legs.
== Gallery ==
File:2012-01-21 20.50.36.png|A zombie emerging from a dark cave.
File:Diamond armor zombie kid.png|First image of armed and armored zombies released by Dinnerbone. 
File:Zombie Villager with Encharted Wep.png|A villager zombie with enchanted Iron Sword.
File:gold armor zombie.png|A zombie clad in gold armor wielding an iron shovel.
File:TestifiZombie.png|A zombie villager wearing armor.
File:Zombie attack animation.png|A zombie wielding an iron shovel doing its attack animation.
File:Zombie wool.png|A zombie holding a piece of wool.<ref>[[jebtweet:240381873480687616]]</ref>
File:Stealer.png| As of 12w34b zombies can pick up drops. If killed, you will have a 100% chance of getting your drops back.
File:ZombieVillagerWithWS.png|A Zombie Villager wearing a Wither Skeleton skull.
File:Zombiehalloween.png|Four zombies on Halloween. One has spawned wearing a pumpkin and another wearing a jack o' lantern.
File:Baby Zombie Villager.png|A baby Zombie Villager.
File:Zombie_villager_with_enchanted_diamond_sword_and_armor.png|A Zombie Villager wearing enchanted Diamond Armor while carrying an enchanted Diamond Sword.
File:Zombie_with_enchanted_wooden_sword_and_enchanted_leather_armor.png|A Zombie equipped with enchanted Leather Armor and an enchanted Wooden Sword.
File:ZombiePlusDoorEqualsWhatMIME.png|Zombies breaking down a door.
File:ZombieStevehead.png| A zombie wearing a Player head.
File:Baby Zombie.PNG|A baby zombie hidden in the game's code.
File:2013-01-25 02.27.45.png| Army of armed baby Zombie Villagers.
File:ZombieSkeleton.png|Zombie dressed as a [[Skeleton]]
File:Manyzombie.jpg|Zombie trap using a spawner. 97 zombies trapped.
File:Babywitherskeletonheadglitch.png|A glitch when a baby zombie villager puts on a wither skeleton head.
File:Babyzdiamondarmor.png|A baby zombie villager wearing diamond armor and a diamond sword.
File:Zombiesocialize.png|Three zombies appearing to be socializing just like villagers. They will move again if you push them.
File:Zombie chain armor.jpg|A zombie that spawned wearing chain armor.
== See also ==
== See also ==

Revision as of 21:05, 6 January 2020




Health points

20 (Heart.png × 10)

Armor points


Attack strength

Scales with zombie's health

HP Template:!! Easy Template:!! Normal Template:!! Hard
16–20 Template:!! 2 (Heart.png) Template:!! 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Template:!! 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
11–15 Template:!! 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Template:!! 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Template:!! 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png)
6–10 Template:!! 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Template:!! 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Template:!! 7 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
1–5 Template:!! 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Template:!! 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Template:!! 9 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)


Light level of 7 or less and 1×2 space anywhere but blocks marked as transparent (half blocks, glass, TNT etc).


Grid Rotten Flesh.png
Rotten Flesh (0–2) on death.

Rare drops

Grid Carrot.png
Grid Iron Ingot.png
Iron Ingot
Grid Potato.png

Equipped items (may be enchanted):

Grid Iron Shovel.png
Iron Shovel
Grid Iron Sword.png
Iron Sword
Grid Iron Chestplate.png
Iron Chestplate



Zombies are hostile mobs that naturally spawn during the night or in dark areas like caves. They mainly drop Rotten Flesh but can spawn holding valuable items like iron tools or while wearing iron armor. They'll burn if they come into contact with sunlight.


Zombies will wander around randomly moaning. If they spot a target, they'll begin snarling and chase the target until they have managed to kill it or the target moves out of the Zombie's range. Zombies will attempt to avoid obstacles, including sheer cliffs and lava, and would try to find the shortest path towards the player. At dawn (when the Sun is 15 degrees or more above the ground), zombies will catch fire and burn once exposed to direct sunlight. However, zombies will make some attempt to seek out shade from the sunlight, or enter bodies of water to protect themselves from burning up. Being in water negates the effects of direct sunlight, preventing them from burning. If they exit water, they will again be vulnerable to direct sunlight. Zombies standing under trees will survive daylight, as the shade prevents them from being burned. They will not burn if it is raining or if they have the ability to pick up items and are wearing headgear. They will leave trees and water if a Player comes near. Zombies will attack villagers within 16 blocks of themselves, ignoring the hazard of direct sunlight. The villagers will attempt to flee from the zombies. Once a zombie has focused on a villager, the zombie will ignore any other villagers and the player until its target is killed or when the player attacks it.


Zombies will hunt down any passive animal, player or villager that enters their range. They will also eat any meat the target drops upon being killed. If a Zombie kills a villager there's a high chance that the villager will turn into a zombie villager.


<Move talk of the rotten flesh to the rotten flesh page maybe?-> When killed, zombies drop Rotten Flesh. While Rotten Flesh itself is not recommended to be used as food at all, it can be used as bait for fishing. This allows the player to catch Raw Fish which can be cooked over a Campfire, in a Brick Oven or in a Cauldron to make Cooked Fish which replenishes 2 shanks of hunger. It can also be used in a stoked Cauldron to make Kibble which can serve as an alternative food for Wolves. The most useful thing Zombies can drop are tools and armor made from Iron. Zombies have a small chance of spawning while wearing Iron armor or while holding and Iron Shovel or Iron Sword. If the Player can manage to kill the zombie, they will drop everything they were holding and wearing. These items will have a random amount of durability but are still be very useful to have. Later on they can be molten back down into Iron using a Crucible.


Zombies move rather slowly and can only do damage if they're close to the player. However, because Zombies are so common it's easy for the Player to be targeted by multiple Zombies at once, seeing that they have a rather big range. This makes it very important to be aware of your surroundings so that you won't be surprise attacked from behind or end up with your back against a wall. This is especially true for the Zombies that are wearing Iron armor or are holding an Iron Sword or Shovel as the armor greatly increases the amount of damage the Zombie can take and the tools greatly increase the damage the zombie does in a single hit.

Zombie Villagers

These zombie villagers can be 'healed' by throwing a splash potion of weakness onto them, then giving them a Normal golden apple by right-clicking on the zombie villager with it. You will hear a loud hissing sound and the Zombie Villager will begin to shudder. Wait around 3 minutes ( They must be protected from attacks and sun damages ) . However, these cured villagers do not retain the same trades they had before they became infected. Also, if the zombie villager has picked up any of your equipment, including armor, these items simply disappear when the villager is cured. This works even if the zombie was spawned as this type rather than being spawned as a villager, and later converted. Zombie Villagers are the same as regular zombies with these exceptions:

  • They will not burn in sunlight.
  • They move faster than regular zombies.
  • They will attempt to break down wooden doors, continuously banging on them.

Baby Zombies

In creative mode or with cheats (as you can only get spawn eggs in these modes), a player can spawn baby villagers by right-clicking on an adult villager with the villager spawner egg. Baby villagers may turn into baby zombie villagers when they are killed by zombies.

Baby Zombie Villagers are the same as regular zombies with these exceptions:

  • They will not burn in sunlight.
  • They move faster than regular zombies.
  • They do not grow up unless cured.
  • When they wear armor it shrinks to fit their body size

Keep in mind

  • The durability of the tools and armor zombies spawn with is decided when the mob spawns, not when the items are dropped.
  • Zombies holding items will drop all of their held items on death.
  • The armor and tools still take damage when used by the zombie and can thus break.
  • Players can 'upgrade' what a zombie is holding by throwing an item on the ground where the zombie stands.
  • Zombies wearing helmets don't burn up in sunlight but their helmet will slowly lose durability. (Heads used in place of helmets don't lose durability)
  • If a zombie picks up an item, it will not despawn except if it was spawned with the item it is holding (ex. shovel, sword, etc.)
  • Both the Zombie and The Player skins share the same model, thus the Zombie skin can be used as the player's skin and vice versa.
  • Despite being nocturnal, zombies are the most common Mobs in Minecraft, found extremely commonly in dark places like caves, strongholds, dungeons, etc, and outside at night, even more so than the other Mobs.
  • A Giant is an unused huge variation of a zombie that can only be spawned through third party programs or SMP commands. Its appearance is identical to the zombie's, but it has 50 hearts of health, deals 25 damage in a single hit, and is unable to damage the player unless they are right beneath it.
  • A Splash Potion of Fire Resistance can be used to prevent zombies from burning in direct sunlight.
  • Zombies will get hurt by a Splash Potion of Healing, and get healed by a Splash Potion of Harming. Splash Potions of Regeneration and Poison have no effect on them. This applies to all the undead mobs, like skeletons.
  • When in daylight while raining, a zombie might make a hissing sound, due to the fact that it will catch on fire and immediately be burned out.
  • Even if attacked by an entity other than the player, the zombie will still be focused on attacking the player.
  • Zombies can climb ladders, but will only do so if their pathfinding runs them into one.
  • Villager zombies have brown eyes, but normal villagers have green eyes.
  • Villager Zombies are thinner and slightly taller than villagers.
    • This is due to the fact that villager Zombies are modeled as Zombies with alternate heads instead of using the model of the villager. However, it could be intentional in order to avoid confusion.
    • Zombie villagers also have their noses sticking through a pumpkin if they are wearing one.
    • When walking in a space that is 2 blocks tall, the top of the Zombie Villager is higher than the ceiling and goes through it with no effect.
  • The attribute applied to allow them to pick up items is called CanPickUpLoot.
  • On Halloween, zombies sometimes spawn with pumpkins or Jack 'o' Lanterns on their heads.
  • Even if a zombie has complete diamond armor, it is limited to 20 armor points (80% damage reduction).
  • Zombies can frighten villagers from behind walls of glass. Villagers will even run into a fire to "escape" from zombies behind glass.

See also


